Baren's Way

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“Akina! Akinaaa!” I yell. My little angel is nowhere in sight. I check everywhere. She’s probably playing in the stacks of boxes by the door. I honestly don’t want to move, but rent is way too high for this small apartment, and David, my landlord, might have found out I have a dog in this no pet apartment.I cant get rid of my Akina, so we are moving to the country into this big ol’ house on Baren’s Way, a dead end road. I pack the boxes in the U-Haul and finally find Akina, playing with the packing tape. I put her in the carrier and in the car. We are on our way to Baren’s Way.

We pass the coffee shop, Chepachet Corner Store, and the lumber yard. I head 10 miles out of town and pass Millville Road, Blackstone street, and River Road. Finally I get to Baren’s Way. The bumpy dirt road is nested in the dark woods. I slow down to 10mph to avoid trashing my car on the bumps. I pass Wilson Lake to the right, and a little old boat house. Finally Akina and I are at our new home. It big, and the dark blue paint is scraping off of it, showing its natural color. The driveway is a horseshoe-type driveway. I drive around it until we get to the doors. I turn around in my seat and unzip Akina’s carrier. She slowly walks out of it,stretches,and sniffs around. I open the car door and I call her. She follows me up to the big heavy wood door. I push it open. It creaks as it opens. Akina runs inside as I follow her, examining the house. Its dusty and white sheets are covering the old furniture. I go over to the window and push open the red and yellow curtains. I need to hire a decorator. The curtains open to the dirty old wooden-framed window. Its cracked across the bottom glass. Its a fixer upper, but, its better than the apartment in the long run. I open the rest of the curtains to let some light in and I go to unpack.

Its 4pm and I got my room unpacked and ready. Akina has her runner up outback and I set up the kitchen some more. I wash off the wooden counters and sweep the horribly dusty floor. Akina starts barking. I run out the back door to see her. She is stiff and is barking and growling at the woods. Its okay Kina, its okay. I bring her inside. She won’t leave the backdoor alone. Shes sitting there staring at it and growling quietly. In the back of my mind I’m confused and frightened about what out there but I move on and ignore her, I have a lot to do in this house before dark.

I finish the downstairs by dark. I call Akina up stairs. She fell asleep in front of the backdoor. She wakes and hurries up the stairs. My bedroom looks plain. I must hire a decorator, this house is so old. I have my bed, two lamps, my dresser, and two side tables, and of course Akina’s bed and toys. The walls are off white, and are stained. There is a water stain above my bed on the ceiling. Yuk. I move my bed to the other side of the room and shut the lamps off. Akina jumps up on my bed and lays by my feet.

Kina? Kina! I wake right up. Akina is no where in sight. I jump up and search the bed and my room. Shes not there. I through my slippers on and ran down the stairs. They squeak and break the silence at every step. I check the bathroom and living room, nothing. I run through the kitchen, the wind is howling outside. Branches are hitting the outside of the house. Akina! Akina!.I rush to the backdoor. Its cracked open. I raise my hand up to the doorknob to open the door. It flies open and hits the wall. The doorknob leaves a hole in the stained walls. I walk outside, pushing against the wind. The boathouse doors are swinging open and shut and the water is crashing over the sides of the bank.Akina! I see her laying on the edge of the forest. Her fur is matted and her paws are bleeding. I run to her. I got about 3 feet away when suddenly she jumps up and runs into the forest. I run after her. I come to the edge of the lake, and Akina is gone. A black shadow appears at the corner of my eye. I spin around. Nothing. Something grabs my shoulder. I spin around again and there it was. A tall man with a possessed look in his eyes. He has cuts all over his face. He smells horrible and is almost zombie like. I run. I run through the woods, dodging branches and stumps. I look to my side. Akina! I start to slow down. The tall man appears and grabs her. He touches her and she disappeared into burning ashes. I loose my balance and trip on a root. The man is now crawling towards me. He reaches for my ankle. I try to get up and fall once again. I finally get my balance and i take off running again. I run out of the woods and around the house, into my car. I get it, and turn around. The man is just coming out of the woods. I try to start the car. I panic and can't get the key in. It finally starts. I press the gas all the way down and go. The car hits a bump and flies off the road, into the lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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