in the beginning......... and so on

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Chapter 1. When He Came

                                                         Wednesday 13th of April 

OMG ........WAIT FOR IT....... HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Even though in the inside my life is totally traumatized so crazy. FYI me saying OMG is very rare.

It all started when I was transferred in this new own clothes boarding school CUZ my DAD got a new job offer he actually took it.

I hate my life I could just shout right now but Nooo! The last people I wanted to see on earth (my parents) were just next to me in the van.

TODAY was a really boring day first of all I went to the school interview to see if qualified to be there .

Clearly the teachers did not see the magic of me instead they thought I was a little Waco or even tacos either way I just wanted to hold them in the shirt and pull their ears up close so that they could hear me clearly 

‘Why the heck do you think I am dim have you thought about yourself you’re so dim that even the lights up the wall lose their energy   WHEN YOU WALK IN THE ROOM?’

But I said that in my head so no one heard it but me.

I just wanted to go home and get a good night sleep was that too much to ask for . apparently to my family it was because as soon as I got into my pj’s my big sister Kaitlin was on her phone chatting to her so called  BFF  Jennifer Stone  (FYI my name is Charlene Steve ) EVEN THOUGH  we’re like  1 THICK wall away I could still hear her like she was right next to me.

The hurtful part is that the new school I was going to, had already experienced her and my biggest fear is that people might see me with what they see her with apparently she has dated almost all of the guys in her school except one she really wants him to ask her out they’re all ninth graders and came to school at the same time. His name is John Henry and sometimes she refers to herself as Mrs. Kaitlin Henry. I heard of these conversations not because I wanted to but I could hear my sister FROM A THICK WALL. And I have to say this john Henry guy sounds way out of her league and more into mine. I don’t see what all those dudes that she dated saw in her because I think when me or John look at her all we see is an obnoxious snob who is a wanna be.

 Thursday 14of April 

My first day of school in the morning my mum woke me up with a present

I was like mum you shouldn’t have but in my head I was like no you should have gone with me to buy some dolchain and cabana, perfume Gucci purses, and Calvin Klein  dresses (you just don’t just get now-a-days mums).

I woke up got dressed and wore my favourite heels

Off to school

The only reason I wanted to look super cute was that even my big sissy wore clothes like this and she was supposed to hang out with me somehow she gave me a kind of pep talk and an insult 

‘Charlene I am the most important and meanest girl in school you must follow in my mean steps and dress as cute as me be the meanest critic even though the clothes are nice always have an excuse. You should have a smiley Meany face and an innocent like face.

When we were there I realized that it was nothing that I imagined instead it was a casual school.

‘now the only thing I have to say is that you meet us at lunch on table 5 oh yeah eyes off  John Henry he’s mine to pursue’ she said all innocent like and shot me an evil look.

i was like are you out of your mind!!!?

'but i don't know who he is." i replied

"well too bad little gal CUZ YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN SHORT THANG!!!"

If i didn't know who JOHN was it is not my fault CUZ A i'm NEW here B she should help me. Now i know why John Henry hasn't asked her out she is a snobby little snitch or even a witch. ANYWAY we went to the hall i was totally lost. I just kept turning and twisting myself around even though my sissy saw moi with her own eyes she decided she was too lazy to get up and show me the way into where i was supposed to sit.

Instead this dude who came out of nowhere asked if i was lost or not.

'thanks for your help" i said showing appreciation after he helped me

'not at all by the way my name is John as in John Henry nice to meet you..."

"Charlene Steve" i said completing his sentence as what he was asking me.

he offered me for a walk through or even guidance around  the school i totally ignored what my sister said CUZ you can't blame her for not wanting to hang out with me just for a day or so and you can't blame me for wanting revenge. And besides John is kind of cute and like i said way out of my sissy's league. 

      lunch time

"Charlene over here" said a voice

And yes it was John. As i was getting closer to his table i kept on checking to see if Kaitlin was idk worried that i was taking long to come to the table o popularity (and yes tables at her school have ridiculous names). she looked like she did not care a speck she just kept on bickering on and on about how John has a crush on her and won't admit it.

Everyone in the school heard including John himself. It looked like John did not care a bit.

"John don't you ever get embarrassed about what she says?" i asked

" I do but i got over it i figured if you have a crush on some one and you have saying it to everyone and expect them to ask you out you can just ignore them some years go by and she finally gets the fact that you don't have a crush on them" he replied

i can't believe it someone was actually dissing my sister like that, i can't wait to see how it turns out!!!



"will you please stay after school to help me i mean us at the library" he said pointing to the whole table

"sure" i was sooo relieved i thought he asked me out i would be like but we just met don't you think we should get to know each other."

i went to put my lunch in the bin then i accidentally slipped on water and landed out my sky high heels.

I was embarrassed partly because everyone was laughing at me. My sissy came closer and closer to me i literally thought she was about to help me but no she came to take a selfie she was like smile for the camera.

suddenly i saw John running to me i thought he was also about to laugh at me but he actually helped me up.

"are you okay Charlene" he asked right in front of Kaitlin and Jennifer.

"yeah i'm fine thanks" i replied 

then we had an awkward silent moment . the whole cafeteria was in shock. i bet they were thinking about KAITLIN"S so called MAN John helping me and staring at each others eyes. 

the silence was rudely interrupted by wait for it ................. KAITLIN STEVE a.k.a  and her new name BITCH!!!.

"UM CHARLENE I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO KEEP EYES OFF JOHN AND ABOUT PURSEING HIM!!!" SHE saig going on gaga and those are the only words that i heard she lost me at pursueing him

"He showed me around the school when you my blood sister refused to"

she shot me an evil look and sashayed back to her seat.

after that i went to my apartment refreshed up and got to bed


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