The Ant Bully

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The Ant Bully

When Stan Beals the Exterminator arrives and tried to convince Lucas to sign the contract...

Me: Lucas, no! I don't like that guy. I don't think Dad called him.

Lucas: Shut up, Kathy. I don't need you and Mom to treated me like a baby! *signing the contract*

Me: *groans* Luuuucccaaaasss.

Getting shrink....

Me: *waking up to Lucas screaming* Huh? What's a matter?

*I realizing that i'm shrunk* Oh my god.

*backing away and looking around. Seeing a kind curved pathways down the blankets, I slide down and drop the floor. I'll get up cautiously and looking around slowly.*

Zoc: *appearing in my reading glasses* Human! Come with us!

Me: *wide eyes, fainted*

Getting kidnapped....

*I join Lucas as the swarm of ants grabs us*

Lucas: Wh-why are you screaming?

Me:*turning towards Lucas with a deathly pale and wide eyes* I don't screaming when I'm fainted.

During the trials...

Lucas: Wait! Time out! How was I supposed to ants had families or feelings or trials??? They're just a bunch of stupid ants!

Me: *aghast* Lucas! Not now!

Head of Council: (Lucas' trials, crushed the food storage chambers, flooded all lowing the hatching chambers and doused the colony with a dreaded yellow rain) And Kathy for squishing scout ants during mission their food.

Me: But I was just--!

(Queen sentences us to becoming an ant and choosing for Hova)

In the morning....

Hova: You know, there's a million of things I want to ask you. When were you hatched? Are you male or female? And how do you tell the difference? Is it--? Oh, they're brother and sister now?

Me: Um... yes. What's your name?

Hova: I'm Hova. And what's yours?

Me: My name is Kathy and this is my brother Lucas.

Lucas: Um... Cross your heart you don't eat me.

Hova: What? All right... cross my heart I will not eat you. *no one what happens*

Lucas: I said cross your heart, not your butt! *I hit him on the arm*

Me: Lucas! That's her butt-- I-I mean heart. *giggling sheepishly at Hova*

During the day....

Hova: We need to find you two places in the colony. So, what can you do?

Lucas: Well, I can make milk out my sister's nose.

Me: His other sister.

Hova: Okay. *turns to me* How about you, Kathy?

Me: *thinking for a few seconds* Well, I am pretty good with the babies.

Hova: *clapping hands* Okay! So Lucas, you can do the foraging and I take Kathy can do the nursing. *squeals excitedly* Ooh! That's what I do too! *turns back to Lucas* I'II introduce you to the instructor. She's a personal friend of mine. Then I'II show Kathy the nursery homes. *holds my hand and walk back to the Hatching Chambers.*

{After Lucas joins Foraging}

Hova: Okay, Kathy. Let's start! Now nurturing pupas is a gentle and delicate job. You have to be patient, calm, collected and kind to be good at it. Are you all of these things?

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