I can't help it....I LOVE MY DAD.... shh dont tell mom ch. 1

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Ok I Just thought this would be the perfect title for this title... I haven't figured out the whole story :3 but I would love help... This is a FAN SPECIAL OMG OMG!!!


I cant help it... I LOVE MY DAD... shhh don't tell mom


Chapter 1:

Every morning it's the same routine: wake up by snooze button.... Slamming my alarm clock against the wall... Mom waking me up.... Shower (I'm not going to get into detail).... Breakfast.... School.... Buying a new alarm clock for tomorrow to smash.... Dinner.... Go to bed.... THEN THE WHOLE PROCESS STARTS ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!

Nahh that not me.... I'm like my mom we like change and hate robotic sameness. Ok well I'm not going to go on about "looking in a mirror and see to find a way to describe myself" I'll just stick my foot out there and I am going to just say it.

As you can tell I'm not quite normal.... I have brown hair and hazel eyes <3. I enjoy my wavy hair but it's a pain to brush out! People think that I look extraordinarily beautiful but I ignore it I hate being part of a stereo type. Every single area have stereo types, Populars are sluts and talks to no one in their circle, jocks are jerks, emos cut themselves ( NOT EVERY EMO DOES THAT) *A/N these are just stereo types no offence to anyone*, Geeks stick themselves in computers and books.... EVEN NORMALS ARE STEREO TYPES!! Normals are ones with "the loop" they talk to themselves are somewhat the hit dummy for populars...

Im not any of that! I'm just who I say I am... Kala Mem. Ok your probably tired of hearing me talk about me let me get on to my life.

Ok Yes as you read from above this my name is Kala Mem... I woke up this morning screaming.... Isnt that nice (SARCASM)

"Shhhh baby girl everthings ok. It was just a dream," my dad soothed. Well my dad hes 28. He has brown hair and spiked up. Yah he's about 11 years old when he had me.... BUT when my mom had me she was 20 so theres a 9 year difference. I have no problem with it though I love them both.... Anyway CONTINUEING!!!

I started crying.... It was a frightening nightmare where mom was chasing me and dad around with a knife and yelling out 'whore'. Thought I didn't want to tell dad.... "what was your dream about sweety?" my dad asked. I was taught not to lie so I said the only part I wish to tell. "We were all getting chased," I sniffled. I looked at the clock realizing that it was time to get ready.... TIME FOR CHANGE (hey I said I did say I like change) I went into my mom room and grabbed her black shirt and went back to my room and grabbed my dark purple shorts with my light pink converse. I put chocolate color eye shadow and mascara then I went downstairs to grab me bacon. I never wore this so it's the point of change. I turned around and I swore I saw my dad staring at my butt. He seem to step out of his trance when my mom came downstairs.

"KALA... KALA OH MY SWEETEST KALA OH HOW YOU LOVE BACON<3," my mom was singing in a loud horrible tune. Everyone started busting up laughing. My mom and I have horrible singing and I believe EVERYONE in town knows that. I glanced over at the clock, 7:50, CRAP 10 MINUTES UNTIL I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL. I grabbed my bag and kissed my mom and dad bye.

Hey I know this isn't a lot but I wanted to get this in then start on the other stories.... So love ya all!!! And that's cuz I wrote it JUST FOR YOU!!!!! So if you like


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