Part 1

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The moment you started dating Justin you knew how it would be. The spotlight, fans, paparazzi, rumors, haters, touring, and etc. Nothing could've prepared you for how intense and draining it all could be. Of course, it had its ups that always outweighed the downs but at times it took a toll on you and Justin. Now that you were pregnant you were worried how everything would play out when the baby came and how you and Justin could give it the most normal life possible.

You were in your and Justin's bedroom finishing up on some work on your laptop when you heard that he had just come home so you walked downstairs to go greet him.

y/n: "Hi baby how was the studio" you say as you hug him and kiss his lips

Justin: It was good baby. Go get a sweatshirt and put on shoes there's somewhere I want to take you.

y/n: ok but we can please stop to get food cause me and the baby are starving

Justin: of course anything for my loves he says as he kisses your stomach.

You walk up the stairs and take one of justins hoodies not only because you loved wearing them but since you were pregnant majority of yours didn't fit you. After you throw on his hoodie you throw on some vans and walk back down stairs to Justin in the car.

Justin: where do you wanna go eat babe?

y/n: I was thinking in n out?

Justin: perfect.

You and Justin decide to sit inside the in n out so you guys could sit and talk about your day and catch up. Everything was going well until both of you started noticing loads of paparazzi outside waiting for you guys to come out and a few already snapping pictures.

Justin: babe do you wanna start heading out now ?

y/n: yea before more people come and then we can't get out of here.

You and Justin go throw out your things and head towards the door. He grabs your hand and you throw your hoodie over your head so that way the lights don't hurt your eyes as much. As you guys head out more people and paparazzi start to crowd around you. Justin holds your hand tighter and tries to push through the crowd but nobody is really making a way. Out of nowhere, you feel somebody shove you and you end up falling to the floor. Justin turns around quickly and picks you up. "Are you ok baby does anything hurt is the baby ok?" justin asks . "yea jus im fine we need to get out of here" you say crying. Justin starts to scream at everyone around not caring whether it ended up all on the front page the next day. you guys finally get in the car and justin races away.

Justin: Are you sure you're ok babe we can go to the hospital or go home right now if you want.

y/n: no its okay I'm fine I promise. Let's go where you wanted to take me.

Justin: Are you sure y/n?

y/n: yes I promise as long as they're no paps or people.

Justin: No I promise there isn't

On the ride to wherever you were going, you could tell Justin was really mad so you just held his hand and gave him his time to cool down. After about 40 minutes you guys ended up in a huge empty parking lot.

y/n: um jus where are we?

Justin: you'll see cmon

Justin opens your door and helps you get out the car. Once you get out the car you smell the ocean and instantly become filled with happiness and peace. Considering the fact that everywhere you and Justin went you guys never really were alone considering fans and paparazzi and people always knowing who Justin is so normal outings like the beach became almost extinct because it would be too much chaos that would be just easier for you guys to avoid.

y/n: babe no way! we're at the beach!

Justin: I thought since we haven't been to the beach in a long time I decided why not bring you in the night so that way nobody sees us and it's just us. I know you can't tan and all but I figured it would be nice to just come sit and talk without being interrupted Ya know?

y/n: this is perfect love. you really don't know how much this means to me.

You and Justin share a sweet kiss and walk hand in hand to the beach. You both walk in the sand and find a good spot to sit with your blanket and just sit and relax. After finally finding a spot you sit between Justin's legs and his hands instantly go around your stomach and he rubs your belly. For a few minutes, you both sit in comfortable silence just listening to waves until Justin speaks.

Justin: Hey Y/n can we talk about something for a minute that's been on my mind lately.

y/n: yeah my love of course.

Justin: lately I've been thinking about you and our baby and how we're about to become our own little family and my career and everything it comes with. I mean look at what happened today I wanted to fight everybody there on the spot once I saw you fall. Like these things are not ok especially when the baby comes. I've accomplished a lot in my career and I think its time a take a break. I want to give our baby the most normal life possible and be able to be there for it's first steps or first word or it's first little laugh or burp and just be able to be there . And for you to love and support you and be the husband and dad and Justin you need me to be. I know that we'll never stop being chased but I know it'll calm down a bit if I take a break plus it gives us more time to do things like this and travel more and just be us.
You were in awe.. music was everything to Justin. It's his foundation. Of course you wanted to raise the baby in the most normal life possible but you also didn't want Justin not being happy.
Y/n: babe I want all the same things but are you sure you're going to be ok with the break? I know music is your love and I don't want you having to give it up if you don't want too.

Justin pulls you on his lap facing towards him
Justin: y/n I've been thinking about this break from the minute you said you were pregnant. Today was my last day in the studio I finished the album and all. It's finalized babe. My heart is at peace with it trust me. You and our baby are my loves everything else after that comes second. Family first always right?

Y/n : right you say as you intertwine your hands in his .

Justin then goes and kisses your stomach and starts talking to the baby. And you two spend the rest of the night just you and your soon to be little family.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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