Unexpected Surprises

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Hey guys. So I know I shouldn't be posting one-shots. But I couldn't resist!

And the reason it's so much longer than before is 'cause Wattpad posted it before I was finished and I didn't finish until now. So anyway, enjoy!



For the umpteenth time that morning, defense lawyer Blaine Anderson ran his hand through his mop of curly black hair. He'd only started the habit after he'd graduated college; up until that point, Blaine's curls had been beated into submission daily in the form of extra-hold hair gel. But after starting his own law firm after graduating magna cum lade from Harvard two years before, he'd realized he needed some tick.

But first, a little background on Blaine Anderson. Though he was born in Westerville, Ohio, before Blaine's sophomore year at a private, all-boys' school, his dad, a prosecuting attorney, had gotten transferred law firms to one in New York. The whole family--Blaine, his parents, and his brother Cooper--had moved to the Big Apple that summer. Around that time, Blaine had realized he wasn't attracted to women. Sure, he appreciated how beautiful the girls in his new school were, but he found he noticed their brands of clothes more than their boobs or faces. But the guys...all Blaine could see were tight butts and shapely biceps and tanned calves. He supposed he was lucky in the sense he realized this in New York, one of the most accepting cities of LGBTQ communities.

But he did count himself unlucky in his family life. His brother Cooper, someone he'd always looked up to, had moved out the year the family transferred to NYC, leaving Blaine all alone to go pursue a career as an actor. That wouldn't have been so bad...except for the fact that--well, Blaine's dad wasn't exactly an alcoholic per se, but he and the bottle were very close indeed. To make matters worse, Blaine's mother was a fragile woman; beautiful, lovely, wonderful, loving--all that, but she just couldn't stand up to her husband's iron fist. Not that he'd ever hit someone, but no one in the Anderson household wanted to push it.

And life had been okay. Not great, by any means, but not the hell it could have been, Blaine knew. But then, one day Blaine and his first boyfriend ever were sitting on Blaine's bed, laughing at YouTube videos. Their hands were in their own laps, nice and innocent, but they happened to be linking fingers. And then Walter Anderson walked in to ask Blaine where the hell was the remote because he wanted to watch his law show and Blaine had had it last and--you, boy, get out!

They never discussed the occurrence except for Blaine ending things with the boy the next day. Walter slowly withdrew from his only son (by this point, Cooper had been disowned for going after such a silly profession as acting). Blaine noticed a new trend in his father's drinking, too:  the amount he drank increased with the amount of time he had to spend with Blaine.

Finally, finally Blaine graduated with high honors, as valedictorian of his class. But his father hadn't bothered to come to hear his commencement speech and his mother didn't dare attend without him. So Blaine's wonderfully thought-out speech fell on his family's deaf ears.

Blaine went off to Harvard, getting his degree in prosecuting law, finishing college magna cum laude. As his own silent rebellion, he worked hard to be the best he could be at prosecuting guilty criminals. His dad's job was to prove the disgusting jerks innocent, but Blaine would do anything to make sure they were stuck in jail for good. Blaine made himself promise to only put the bad guys behind bars, though; he wouldn't sink as low as his dad. And he could do it, too:  he was really good at what he did. With time, although he didn't know it yet, he'd become a reknowned lawyer in all of the east coast.

But for now, Blaine put his iPod's WORK playlist on shuffle and set to work on paperwork with a groan, filing papers to the tune of Gotye.


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