chapter one.

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You'd got the job at the firm a while ago, but you had your first official meeting with the CEO of the company this afternoon. It was company procedure the receptionist had told you over the phone. "Don't worry yourself about it, it's just to make sure that you have all of your papers and a final recommendation" Her voice was breezy but you couldn't help but feel nervous. You didn't interview well and the prospect of meeting the head of the company terrified you. You arrived in the waiting room far too early. Glass windows stretched from ceiling to floor, a view of the city taking the full view. Your heels clicked over the floor as you signed in, your eyes darting around the room. Music played softly in the background, your heart fluttered in time with the echoing melody. It had been years since you had left Beacon Hills but being back in your home town you suddenly felt disattached to it. You'd left when you were 14 leaving to move to a city halfway across the city. You'd said goodbye years ago and now you were back everything had changed. You'd read the stories about the town, over the years the county had been plagued with mysteries, numerous murders and an outbreak of animal attacks. It's not like where you had moved to didn't have crime but Beacon Hills was on another level. The sun was high in the sky, burning through the glass, setting your skin ablaze.

The air con above you, blew cold air over you and somewhat soothed your nerves. You glanced around the room, your eyes coming to rest on the receptionist working the desk. She was pretty in a way, brown hair falling over her eyes, strong brows and something hiding just behind her eyes. You flashed her a nervous smile as you crossed and uncrossed your legs, struggling to feel comfortable in the large room. "You look nervous. Don't be" Her voice was harsh and nothing like the girl that had called you earlier. She was standoffish and rude but she seemed nice enough, walking over to put a cup of coffee on the table next to you. "Drink some coffee and try and calm yourself down. Your hearts beating so fast I can hear it across the room!" Her smile widened, toothy and a little menacing. You smiled back, shying into your seat a bit. You reached into your bag, pulling your phone out. You scrolled through your apps, trying to distract yourself from the butterflies in your stomach. You'd been a PI for a while back in Seattle, mostly helping people find their cheating spouses. You craved more and when you found out Emissary Investigations was hiring you jumped straight on the plane.

They worked super close with the sheriffs department, looking over the entire county. Not only that but it meant finally coming home. You'd signed the lease on an apartment not too far away from the office cutting back the commute quite drastically. You just hoped your boss wasn't an asshole like your last one. He must have been like 65 and he was dead set against giving you any interesting cases. You wondered what he could be like. What kind of boss would he be? Would he hate on you for no particular reason or would he be nice? Your mind raced as you flicked through snapchat. Watching stories of your friends back in Seattle made your heart sink. You missed them already, you sank back into the chair your heart heavy at the prospects of not having any friends in Beacon Hills. Your fingers trembled with nerves as you sipped the coffee the receptionist had given you. "Thank you! I didn't catch your name?" You spoke, querying the receptionist. "Malia" she flashed you that dangerous smile once more before returning to her computer, pen between bared teeth as she typed.

You returned to your phone, the time passing in easy silence, only the tapping of Malias long nails on the keys and the music playing from a speaker behind you making a noise. Her phone rang and she looked bored as she sent you through to the main office. You stood from your seat, smoothing out the wrinkles in your dress, wishing you'd worn a fabric that had a bit more structure. You placed your mug back on the side, your fingers shaking in nerves. You clutched your handbag as you rapped your knuckles on the large wooden door. A voice shouted for you to come in and you pushed the door open. Almost instantly you were greeted by the smell of strong coffee it filled the room and it was intoxicating. A fresh cup sat on the sideboard that was adorned with photos of a large group of friends all of whom seemed to be really close. You gazed at the pictures, a school classroom crowded with smiling faces. Maybe his son was in this picture. The room was well lit but the blinds were drawn making the walls seem closer together. Once you had looked around enough your eyes were drawn to the man you were supposed to be meeting.

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