chapter one.

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"You're being reassigned to a different department, it's not that we don't want you around here but your speciality is needed somewhere else. We're going to be sad to see you go, but you know where we are if you need to visit!" Your boss Amanda smiled across the table as she told you where you'd be going. "You'll be with a brilliant new team who are rapidly becoming our best employees, but they need someone who can get stuff done quickly and efficiently. They are all around your age give or take a few years and I've come to learn that they are all very lovely people" You stared at her, registering that you'd finally be out of this office. You loved Amanda, truly you did, she was like a mother to you but accounting had never really been your forte. You'd much prefer doing literally anything else. "So when do I start?" You asked nervously, although you were happy to move departments you still dreaded meeting new people.

"Well actually that's the kicker, you are moving departments today. Sorry it's so last minute but they asked that you joined them as soon as you possibly could. One of them is on their way here right now" She exclaimed. You jumped up smoothing down your skirt and bolted out the room. You tore through your desk grabbing a box and haphazardly shoving things in them. Down came the pictures of friends and family pictures. Trinkets piled on top of each other in cardboard as you frantically tried to cram your entire desk in the one box. "You look like you need a hand? Here I'll get you another box" A voice came from behind you startling you. You spun to look at the stranger who handed you a box and started to neatly place items in it. She looked at you as you stared at her, wondering who she was. "Oh my god! I'm so stupid! I'm Neha, I'm from your new team? You must be Dani" Her hand reached out to shake yours and then pulled you into a vice tight hug.

You packed the rest of your things quickly as Neha talked to you about the team. They all sounded like so much fun, much better than the people you were previously with. You loved them all but onto greener pastures , you guessed. Walking for what felt like ages you finally came to an office, all glass panes and primary colors. Beanbags littered the floors and people milled around chatter filling the room. Silence fell upon your entry and your face burned as eyes bore into you. Roars of clapping and hollering suddenly drowned you in sound as they crowded around you their arms wrapping around you. All but one you seemed to notice. You recalled Neha telling you about everyone and from an educated guess you assumed that was Stuart. People fanned out as they congratulated you on starting your first day in the new office. They were all excited to get to know you and work with you. You buzzed with elation as you pulled Neha to the side.

"You never told me he was cute! Like too cute. Fuckkkkk, you've messed me up Neha. Gotta warn someone before letting them find out like that!" You play slapped her arm as you looked at him. God he was gorgeous. He didn't look up to notice you as you walked over to him. He sat cross legged on a beanbag his glasses low on his nose. Long eyelashes flickered as he scrolled down his phone his lips curled in a smile. "You must be Dani, nice to meet you! I'm Stuart, I'll be supervising you to make sure you fit in okay and that you do what you gotta do here" He glanced up quickly and a look of confusion spread across his face. "Hi Stuart, so where do you want me?" You said slowly, looking around at the various desks that the office contained. He stood to his feet, his height somewhat surprising you. He walked over to a green desk that lay empty and he gestured that it was yours.

You sat in the chair, filling the drawers and cluttering the table top with knick knacks within the hour. You settled back, turning your screen on and putting your headphones in. A pile of work already sat in your 'IN' pile and you set to getting at least a bit of work done. Your playlist started, music filling your ears. You had always found it easier to concentrate when you had a melody to help you through. Hours passed and you found yourself growing hungry. Your pile was depleted by almost half and you felt like you deserved a break. You stood, smoothing your skirt once again and stretching. Neha's desk was next to yours and you leaned against it as you asked her where the best food was in this building. Your old building had the best pizza you'd ever tasted but everything else was nasty. "What you in the mood for? We got fresh fruit, pizza, sushi..." She trailed on. You weren't paying attention anyway. Your gaze was directed at Stuart as he sat once again on the beanbag. His macbook lay across his lap his concentration focused entirely on the screen as his fingers flew against the keys. Neha grabbed your hand forcing you away from your daydream, she pulled you down corridors that lead to a bustling food hall. "Can you please stop eye fucking him in the office! Especially when he's oblivious to what you're doing" she giggled. "Fine, but when you're not looking I'm totally doing it" you retorted.

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