Crazy For You (Destiel AU)

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Hello again! This is a Destiel, although there will be minimal fluff...I don't do fluff. Kind of angsty, but I hope you enjoy anyway! This is just the prolog. Dean and Sam will be introduced in future chapters.


The institute was named "Gateway to Heaven," although the locals knew it as "The Hell Hole." It sat a top the largest hill the the smallest town in Kansas.

The hill was actually a landfill covered in grass (as anyone who has bee to Kansas knows, Kansas monotonously flat and just about the most dull state in the country.) The landfill had been dubbed "Unsanitary for human inhabitants" in the spring of 1954 when the trash had seeped into the water supply, effectively killing half the population of a small amish community (albeit, that was only 20 people.)

Five years after the closure of the area, Peter Houston (who was running away from a murder charge in Lawrence) built the log cabin that would one day become the execution chamber for "Gateway to Heaven.

Houston, (a madman in a family of madmen in a town of madmen) was quickly losing money, and so, under the alias of "William Colgate," he built "Gateway to Heaven" in 1960.

The business would most likely have been a failure if not for rising tensions in Vietnam. Veterans who had been completely driven mad by war (and didn't have the money to pay for actual mental help) came in floods, as well as men attempting to avoid the draft by claiming mental insecurities.

Soon enough, with a fake psychiatric degree and a supply of cheap drugs, Gateway to Heaven was officially and effectively ruining lives and creating prescription drug addicts.

Colgate had a population of only about two hundred. In fact, the town didn't have a large enough population to be considered a town, but no surrounding towns wanted to be associated with such a town as Colgate.

Of the two hundred people who occupied Colgate, all of them lived in the institute. One hundred and fifty of those people were clinically insane. Permanently, with no hope of recovery. The other fifty had never been tested for insanity, although most people believed that you must be insane to want to work at "Gateway to Heaven."

There was a small collection of buildings just down the hill from The Hell Hole that had only a large bomb shelter (used less for bombs and more for lockdown drills) a hardware store (named "Bobby's" after the owner- a drunk and a cynic) and a tiny and dingy cafe, whose name had long been forgotten as the owner (Rufus) had grown too lazy to repaint the sign.

Consequently, Rufus' jaw practically hit the floor when the sane looking, trench coat clad young man walked into his diner during the particularly brutal winter of 1963. He looked about 20, although the bags under his eyes begged to differ.

The main reason why Rufus worked in a diner in Colgate of all places was not completely coincidental. Being a black man in a primarily white and racist society limited his options, and many people who came into his restaurant refused to eat when they saw the color of Rufus' skin.

However, this man just smiled. His accent was formal, different than the midwestern drawl of most in Colgate. "Hello, sir. May I please have a cup of coffee? No cream, no sugar, please."

Rufus nodded mutely and quickly prepared the beverage, watching with curiosity as the man gulped down the scalding liquid as if it were water.

"What are you doing here?" Rufus finally blurted out, all to aware that that might not have been the most polite way to ask.

The man however, did not seem to mind being talked to that way by a black man, for which Rufus was grateful.

"I am starting my job as the mental institute, 'Gateway to Heaven.' Well, not a job really. I just graduated from college and this is my internship and residency. Basically doctor in training, so I should be a doctor in about...10 years?" Rufus looked doubtfully at the small, peaceable looking man.

"Must not have done too well in school, to get assigned to this dump." Again, Rufus silently cursed himself for his fat mouth.

The man raised an eyebrow, but when he spoke, his tone didn't change from the deep, slow and calm cadence he had spoken with since his entrance into the cafe.

"I went to Yale for three years then transferred to Oxford for my fourth year of college. I still need to get my PhD, which is why I wont get a job for a long, long, time. I was a hard working B student with a very impressive resume and entry essay. I graduated early." The man smiled ruefully, a far off look in his eyes, almost of reminiscence. His honesty could easily be mistaken for hostility, but Rufus had a feeling he didn't mean it that way

Nevertheless, Rufus felt rather silly now, so he just nodded, clearing the strangers coffee cup.

"Colgate was my first choice, actually." The man continued through Rufus' silence. "This is...sort of a dream come true for me."

Rufus snorted, which turned in to a chuckle, which turned into a hearty guffaw. "Why the hell would you choose to work here? Those people are off their rockers!"

"I only work with a special type of mental patient. Colgate happens to have a very large population of them. They aren't dangerous...well, people in general are dangerous, but they aren't anymore dangerous than other people."

"What type of mental patients? By the way, what's your name? Mine's Rufus." Rufus had taken quite a liking to the stranger, and it wasn't often that someone new came to Colgate--much less someone sane.

"My name is Dr. Novak, although you may call me by my first name, Castiel."

Castiel handed rufus the money for the coffee, and stood up. "And the mental patients I specialize in," He paused for a fraction of a second, "Are homosexuals."

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