Chapter 57 - Bunny Trap

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"Umm...a dog. See the snout and the sort of misshapen and floppy ears?"

"Looks more like bunny with ears that long, yeah?"

"I guess so. Just thought we were staying clear of bunnies for a little bit," I say teasingly, pinching Louis' side.

Louis and I are lying side by side on the floating island, staring at the sky, and trying to decipher the shapes being made out of the infrequent clouds. The sky is a crisp, clear blue that reminds me of Louis' eyes. I smile and reach out to touch his forearm, running my fingers over the bare patches of his skin that aren't covered by tattoos. Louis turns his head to look at me, and holds my gaze.

"That feels amazing, luv. I don't think I'll ever tire of having you touch me."

"Me either," I reply. "But this kind of talk isn't helping to keep my mind out of the gutter."

"Yeah?" Louis says, raising himself up on one arm. "How about this? Does this help?"

Louis traces his finger over my bosom where it peaks out of my bikini top. Immediately my nervous system goes into high alert; thousands of neurotransmitters blast forth into the synapses and send a very clear signal south to a very ready bundle of neurons in my crotch. As Louis' digit crosses down into the valley between my mountains, my nipples divert some of the southbound stimulation bilaterally. My nibs perkily stretch the fabric as if to say 'Over here! We want attention too!'

Louis smirks as I squirm beneath his touch. He continues his torture, his finger moves down my bare stomach and then hangs over the band of my bathing suit bottom. I give him my best derisive glare, but it only makes Louis smirk even more mischievously. He lets his finger linger then suddenly delves its tip straight into my navel.

This new zing of nerves is quite the opposite of pleasurable and I cry out! I slap Louis hand away and scud backwards. Louis starts laughing manically, clearly enjoying himself. He doubles over and starts rolling around. The rubbery plastic of the flotation device makes crude noises as Louis' skin rubs it, making him laugh even harder.

Two can play at this game.

While his is distracted, I surreptitiously grab a large piece of ice from the cooler, which I hold in one my hands behind my back. I move towards were Louis' is doing his calisthenics.

"Think you're hilarious, do you?"

"Your reaction was proper funny."

"I'm not impressed," I say, putting as much false annoyance into my voice as I can. I pout my lip and do my best damsel in distress look. Louis stops rolling and looks up at me.

"Are you seriously feeling snarky, luv?" He sits up a little, eying me curiously.

"I most certainly am!" I say as I straddle over his hips. "No one likes a tease. I thought you were promising me a little action. Like this."

I kiss Louis deeply, making sure to tease my tongue over every part of his mouth. He groans in appreciation. I tug his lip between my teeth with just enough pressure to be enjoyable. Louis places his hands on my hips. Perfect. I hold my lips close for a moment, breathing into him. Louis tries to kiss me again, but I pull away.

"Rude!" I whisper. I move my mouth towards his ear lobe. "And I don't like blue balls. Do you?"

Before Louis can respond, I grab his shorts and dump the ice cube straight into his crotch. If Louis thought I squealed, it had nothing on him. The high pitch strangled cry that erupted from his through was of epic proportions! Jumping up, Louis pushes me aside and starts jumping around to dislodge the ice from his sack. I start to giggle.

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