The Rebirth

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      I loved to dream, to escape the dark reality of this world. That is why I didn't see the man take my wallet.

      "Hey! Give it back!" I yelled uselessly as I ran after him. A sudden thought of realization struck me. A thief would likely not listen to you no matter how desperately you beg. I continued to sprint after him, but with each second my breathing became more labored, my heart kept beating faster and faster, and my legs started to burn. The gap between us started to grow bigger and bigger, then everything blacked out.

      I woke up in a dark room. I walked and walked and yet it seemed endless. With each step, I grew less and less confident until I saw a light and in it was a silhouette of a man.

     "Hello! Is there anyone there I appear to be quite lost." My voice echoing off into nothingness. The figure didn't move, nor show the slightest bit of interest. Then a voice suddenly filled the room.

     "I have been expecting you," it said. I looked around bewildered and scared, but I managed to say "What are you?" despite my chattering teeth.

     "You humans are always so amusing. Instead of kneeling down and surrendering yourself to me you have the gall to ask who or what am I. That is what makes you special among the multitudes of other races." Its voice deep and resonant

     "What do you mean?"

     "I mean you humans are defiant, arrogant, and foolhardy." But there was no tone of malice in his words.

     "Am I dead?"

    "Yes, you have recently died of a heart attack. You suffered from a defective heart." I was shocked. I always thought being dead was just becoming nothing. Then a question struck my mind as I thought about death.

    "Are you God?"

    "No young one, I am not your concept of a god. An omnipotent and divine being. "Instead" The humanoid shape in the light turned to face me. The face was human. "Instead, I am you."

    "But what? How? You don't even resemble me."

    "No child. I am not exactly you. I am you in a concept that a parent is to a child."

     "Wait so that means..... You're my father!"

     "Yes, my child I am your father and your mother. I am not defined by your so called "genders" I am above that now."

     "Wait, wait so that means if you created me? What about the other people on earth what are they? What does this all mean? What is the purpose of my life?"

     "So many questions, but alas so little time. To explain to you in the most basic of ways, you are a god in the most basic of terms. Not yet quite a fully-fledged one. But a god nonetheless. I have sent you to earth to learn among the humans."

     "But why choose humans? Us humans are evil, we are too busy killing each other than deal with the bigger problems. We are tipping the balance of nature itself and killing it in the process. What is so special about us?

     "One word. Change. Humanity is unique in this universe because it is willing to accept change. It is willing to lower itself for a greater cause. Very few other races are willing to acknowledge their mistakes and even fewer will even consider changing their ways, but no other species is so collectively willing to renew themselves and go with the flow. Humans are willing to change for the better or for the worst. They are willing to evolve with their society and abandon archaic practices and beliefs not needed in a new world. Of course, there are exceptions of those clinging to the past, but they cannot be avoided. As a whole, it is the only race in the whole of the universe who will not just accept change, but embrace it with open arms. That is why I sent you to live with them, to learn about their ways, to study what drives them on in their short lives, to acquire their wisdom and virtue, and to discover how to recognize your flaws and realize you are not perfect. The so-called lowly humans have much to teach the Elder Races and Immortals despite being called inferior and despite our infinite knowledge and wisdom. We still have much to learn"

     "So what you're saying is..." I found myself lost for words. The information was too much for me to process all at once. I wanted to scream, to lose control, this is too much. I manage to stay calm. "So I am not human? Instead, I am a god? Sent to live amongst human to learn to recognize my flaws and to accept change."

     "That is correct child"

     "How exactly am I learning?"

     "By experiencing human life. Multiple times over the ages."

    "Wait so I am just being reborn over and over again?"


   "For how long?"

    "As long as it takes for you to learn everything about them."

    "So how many lives have I lived?"

    "A countless number of lives over the generations of mankind."

   "So am I going to be reborn now? And what will I be exactly?"

    "Yes my child." His tone sad almost wistful. "You still have much to learn and much to discover about the human race. As for your second question I cannot answer."

    "Can't or you won't?"

     "Both my child. I refuse to tell you because as humans have put it. "Life is a gift and not a right." So you have neither the right nor the privilege of knowing what you will get, but because it is a gift enjoy your life with everything you got."

    "So this is farewell then?" I found myself sad.

    "Unfortunately. Our time together is up."

    "See you soon pops or mom or whatever you want me to call you."

    "I hope to speak with you another time. Just not too soon. It is disappointing to have you die as a child."

    "Sure thing. Ughm? How do I get reborn?" I felt stupid as I asked that question

    "You close your eyes." His reply was serious

    "Wait that's it?"

     "Yes, that is all you need to do." His tone mildly amused.

      "Ok goodbye."

     "Farewell and may the gods smile upon you.

      I closed my eyes and concentrated at first nothing. Then a sudden pull and I felt as if my world flipped around, and everything was black.

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