1-Hopes N Dreams

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Having dreams, it's simple .. But making dreams come true? I don't think so!
The branches stretched out as the sun brightened up and ran through Emma's baby pink silky curtains ... Emma's alarm clock screamed as Emma's eye lids popped open! " Aargh!! " Emma stretched and pushed the alarm button, finally the Alarm clock went back to sleep( ZZZzzzzz) after dressing up, eating breakfast Emma groaned " ok ok.. Concentrate Emma, I don't wanna burn or mess this cake this time( sigh)... Okie!! 1 cup flour, 3 table spoons sugar..." Emma started to bake a cake, she put the batter in the oven and started reading a magazine.. 2 minutes later she dozed off " Zzzzzz" 25 minutes later, Emma sniffed the air" what's that smell coming.. AAHH MY CAKE!!" The 100th time, Emma failed to baked a cake😉
" I can't always keep on fighting my dreams! I have to make my dream come true! ( baking)... What could I ever do?!!! .. Oh yes! I was so dumb the whole time! Why didn't I ever think of this before!! Oh man! I have the perfect idea! Emma get ready, your days are about to change! 😏

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