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**still holding this competition! Read the end of chapter8 for details"


Mum got out the rest of the bags for the boat trip, like food and drink etc.

Me and harry we walking to the seats with our hands linked together.

We know we shouldn't be doing this really, because there could be paparazzi everywhere.

"K-Kendall..I shouldn't be going!" I heard harry speak those words and turned to him with a very upset look.

"Don't say that Harry. You are coming!" She moaned at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me. I fought back.

"No Kendall! We'll get caught, and you've already got enough on your plate!" I snapped back at her. I wish she would understand what I'm trying to say.

"Harry I'm sick and tired of hiding all the time. I want a normal relationship!" By now, every one was silent listening to us yell.

"I'm sorry you can't hve that. We are celebrities for fuck sake. I just wish I never fucking became one." I looked at her with a face as if to say I've had enough.

"What have you got to loose harry? Tell them or I will." She stepped back. Knowing im going to be angry!

"No!! I'm not doing all this for myself Kendall. it's for you. It's always been for you. Don't you remember what happend to Eleanor. The fans? No! You're not saying a word. I'm not coming along. I can't get you hurt." Before she could answer back, I had already left. I didn't have my's back at the mansion.

I started coming out of the beach area, pulling up my hood and putting my shades on. It's the most I could do, and it's working right now.

I took a glance behind me as saw they are already on board.

I could hear DJ Fresh being played and laughing!

Now I really wish I came.

But I can't.

I need to realise more what I'm doing.

That it's so easy for us to get caught!

I got out my phone and dialed Paul.

"Hello Harry. how's turkey?"

"Hey Paul, it's fine thankyou! I didn't want to go on this trip with Kendall and I don't have a car to get back to the mansion. Could you please send one of your workers?"

"No problem Harry. I'll text you Smiths number, he's your body guard over there for any trouble. See you later!"

And he hung up the phone..

I sighed and waited for a message from Paul.

I decided to sit by the beach that was outside a bar called Linikers. There was half naked body builders dancing on girls.

I would hate that job,god.

I'm sat here on my own waiting for this stupid text, and I actually realise that there's no one here that recognises me.

This is probably the first time in forever.

I just sat back with my face direct to the sun in the sky, and I felt a vibrate from my phone. It was Paul.

I tapped the number that popped up on the message and it started dialling.


"Hey is this Smith?"

"Oh hey Harry. Yes it is. What can I do for you?"

"Could you pick me up at Altinkum outside Linikers please?"

"Sure thing. Be 6minutes."

I hung up and just went back to relaxing.

Hoping that the next few minutes go quickly.


I shot my head up quickly to find a group of girls squealing so much!

They ran close and nearly ripped my jumper off.

"Wait wait!! How did you know it was me?" I looked confused.

"Your tattles? Shoes jumper? It's obviously going to be you".

I should of worked harder on my appearance to try an blend in. I'll remember next time.

Before I knew it, there were thousands!

I tryed to speak to all of them and signing there tops and having photos!

But thankfully Smith came on time. And god he was like a cheetah. Once he saw the fans he ran up to grab me, pushing them all out the way.

He opened the door for me and I jumped in.

I waved to the fans with there camera right up against the window.

Before you I knew it, we were gone.


I was sat with Kylie getting ready to jump off.

It's a dare okay.

Plus I was like, half pissed.

But the one thing that didn't change..was Harry.

He's always in my mind.

What have I done?

I've totally blown things up between us.

I just feel like crying..I should of known he was doing this for us.

But me, I open my big fat mouth.

I still can't get over what I did.

I held Kylie's hand, and we both leaped in.

It was massively refreshing and I loved it!

I was the first one to swim over to the ladder to get back on board.

I was seriously out of breath when I came back up. And I was already exhausted.


I quickly popped my eyes open to the sound of my shouting!

Everyone looked confused on what my mum was on about?

Then all of a sudden..

We saw about 10 body builders climb up the side of the boat with such a sexy impression on there faces.

We all screamed with excitement when they jumped on.

But for some reason, they all came towards me..

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