Class was always incredibly boring for you. The teachers would forever drone on about subjects that you already knew about, the people around you didn't care about the class alike to you however rather than quietly sitting there and letting the teacher go on with the pointless lesson they'd invoke lectures by yelling at friends and throwing things around the classroom. Thus the lessons dragged on for what seemed like hours. The only solace you got was watching the perverted blonde at the front of the class, Len Kagamine (A boy who sat diagonally across from you and slowly developed a strong 'liking' towards), panic when a girl notices him staring at her, whether it was her tits or ass. He'd go bright red as the class would stare at him in a disgusted way. Although this happened a lot he never seemed to learn.

For example that same lesson a girl from the class next door with a sweet smile waltzed in and asked for some text books. You watched in amusement as Len looked her up and down and seemed to say something that seriously riled her up. The blue haired girl then promptly yelled at him to "Stop damn it" before storming away with the books she'd needed. As usual, everyone looked to him while he buried his head in his hands. Sure, you felt bad for him at times because he was simply a horny teenage boy but he could at least come up with a good excuse rather than "My eyes followed you on their own I swear".

Sighing, you broke your gaze from him and allowed yourself to space out looking at a tree outside your classroom rather then looking at a person and someone getting the wrong idea. Your thoughts were once again brought back to the blonde. He was fairly attractive to be honest. Bright blue eyes behind those thick rimmed glasses and sunny blonde hair that greatly complimented each other. Len was fairly smart too, gaining a steady stream of good grades. However he could probably do better if he wasn't always staring at the legs of the girl who sat next to him. Because of this he'd forget what he'd been studying and when called upon by the teacher to expand a formula, for example, would make a fool of himself as per usual. There were actually a couple times where you'd found him checking you out. Unlike most though, you felt more complimented than violated. Len Kagamine was handsome to put it simply and you honestly wouldn't mind getting a piece of him but you wouldn't pursue him because although you got good grades, spending much needed time for studying on thinking of ways to seduce him and get away with it could put a serious dent in your almost perfect grades. It would be idiotic.

You were suddenly pulled from your daydreaming when a girl from a class or two above yours came in to deliver a message to the teacher about some cooking event. You weren't concentrating on that though. It was Len who was currently looking quite hot under the collar probably due to the upperclassmen's shorter than average 5cm folded skirt and slightly unbuttoned shirt. You could clearly see the red hue on his cheeks and him placing his hands over his lap. Wait a sec...

Oh no.

Did he seriously?

Yep he did.

He totally popped a boner over the chick who was now standing in front of his desk as she talked to the teacher. Immediately you had to put a large amount of will power in to not laughing and giving away is almost painfully obvious arousal  to the oblivious class and girl in front of him. Then a thought popped in to your head.

If just looking at a girl caused him to become hard then maybe he's a virgin?

Now that's rare. There was almost no one pure in the school and he was incredibly hot, how had he not been laid? Maybe it was his pervertedness? It was probably actually that but still.


He isn't actually a virgin and he's just one of those types of men who were aroused easily?

Curiosity seeped in to your mind as you began to think of evidence for each side. As you were doing that you also notice the teacher had seen Len get slapped  by the older girl, who'd notice him looking, before tripping and hitting the side of his jaw on the desk behind him after he stood up to apologise for staring and sent him to the nurses office due to the small amount of blood that had began to seep out. A plan suddenly formulated in you mind a couple moments after Kagamine hurriedly left.

High school desires (Len Kagamine x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now