the beginning.

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The loud honk brought me back to reality.  I slowly raised my head from the pillow and moved messy strains of hair from my face just to see the loveliest sight one can experience right after waking up - Nat, my best friend, struggling to get into my room through the window, trying to look serious and angry, failing miserably at both.

-Ah, fuck! - She yelled and striked the crappiest ninja pose I've seen in my entire life. - Okay, I knew that will happen - she chuckled and jumped on top of me. - Wakey, wakey! You know we were supposed to go to the cinema, right? And that's we were supposed to do it right now, right? And that everyone's waiting for you, riiiiiight? - she teased me hitting me playfully.

I was slowly preparing myself to leave my sweet, lovely bed when she grabbed me firmly and pulled out of the room by force. Slightly encouraged by Nat, I quickly got ready and we joined the whole squad in the car.

-Good morning, Chelle! - Joey welcomed me with a big grin on his face. - What times is it, though? Oh, right, half past nine p.m. - all my friends bursted out with laughter and I hit Joey in the side while getting into the car trying to act offended.

-Okay move your fat asses, Joseph, Michelle... Coleslaw? - Nat shouted and basically sat on our laps for the car was too tiny to contain us all. - Okay, Sebastian, I'm taking the front seat on the ride home and I swear to god, I will kick your ass if you're gonna take it away from me. And as for you, Maximillian. It would happen to you, too if it wasn't for that goddamn driver's licence of yours.- Nat's threat attempts only made us laugh. - Oh, shut up, you fucks! - she whined irritated and tried lay back on the seat but only ended up almost breaking a few ribs of her co-passengers.

We finally arrived at the cinema and started equipping ourselves with all the necessary stuff: popcorn, nachos, coke... oh, right! and the tickets!

-What are we seeing anyway? - I decided to finally ask.
-I don't know - Nat shrugged. - Some horror. But it's gonna be scaaaryyyy. You're gonna be scaaaareeeed - she poked me playfully on the side and laughed.
-Well at least she's not gonna cry throughout the whole movie! - I heard Max's amused voice.
-Yeah, I'm betting my whole popcorn you're not gonna last 5 minutes without tears. - Cole teased her.
-3! - Seb joined amused.
-You're gonna make her cry before it even starts! - Joey protested trying to hide he's the one laughing the loudest.
-Oh, fuck you all! - Nat responded and hurried to our seats trying to act offended.

However she changed her mind as soon as we all got to the seats.

-Okay, who is gonna sit next me and hug me when I cry because a bug dies? - she asked.
-I'd love to hug you, baby girl - I chuckled.
-Oh, that was so fucking gay, Michelle Katherine! No homooooo - she responded accidentally spitting on me and laughing hardly she squeezed herself between Seb and Cole. I ended up next to Joey and Max, who was already screaming frightened.

-Hey, Max - I whispered. - Do you wanna hold my hand?

He immediately straightened up and coughed, trying to act a little more manly than a moment ago.

-Um, of course no. I'm a grown up. I'm the oldest and the breavest of you all. I will protect if there'll be a need - I laughed at him and turned to watch the movie.

Well, as Nat said, it was scary. And I was indeed scared. Very scared. Frightened. I tried to close my eyes but it didn't really help. When I heard a loud, scary noise, I squeaked and hid my face in my palms.

-Oh god, are you turning into Nat? - Joey laughed at me but got serious when he turn to look at me. - Shit, what's wrong? - He asked concerned. - Are you scared? - I nodded in response, looking at him through my fingers. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around me.

-That's okay, baby girl - he immediately stopped right after the last words and coughed. I looked at him, confused with the nickname but he chose to ignore what happened and pulled me into a tight hug.

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