Chapter one

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"Katerina! Katerina! I will find you again! I will find you! Don't leave me!" I scream as tears start pouring. Father comes up to me as I start running to catch up to her. He grabs on my waist, and throws me on the ground. He starts to repeatedly punch me until he gets thrown off of me. I look up and see a handsome man with long blond hair looking down at me. "Forgive me for what I am about to do!" He says and turns to my father. He bites into his neck and let's go. He's a vampire! He looks father in the eyes and mutters something. He let's go a father and a blond woman grabs me by my collar. Her eyes vamp out, and she leans her head to my neck. "Rebekah! Not her!" He says and she stops. She looks between my savior and a man with long black hair. The black haired man says "Why? Usually you would jump to feeding and killing!" I gasp and they all turn to me. I taste a weird substance on my lip and lift my hand to my cheek. I feel bumps and liquid. I pull my hand back down and see it has gone from a dark tan shade to red. Father has made me bleed again. I sigh and the blond man uses unnatural speed to get to me. He bites his wrist and tries to put it in my mouth. I close my mouth and crawl away from him. "Nicklaus, why are you acting in strange behavior?" The other guy says. "No one is to touch her!" He says and the woman gasps. "What's your name love?" Nicklaus says. "Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn Patrova!" I say. "My name is Nicklaus! This is my brother Elijah, and my sister Rebekah and we are vampires!" I gasp, but don't move. "Are you going to kill me?" I say quietly, but they hear me. "Of course not love, but I do need to wipe your memory of us! Are you wearing vervain?" "Wait! Don't compel me! Turn me!" I say and Rebekah and Elijah turn to us suprised. "Why would you want that?" Elijah says. "I have no one left! My sister bore a child out of wedlock, and was banished from the village. My father was abusive towards me, and my mother allowed it to happen!" I say. "Are you sure you want this?" Nicklaus says holding his wrist towards his mouth. "Nik! You can't be serious!" Rebekah says. "Please!" I say. He nods and bites his wrist. I take the blood from his wrist and he puts his hands on my head. "See you on the other side." He says then everything goes black.

I wake up and feel weird. I hear voices downstairs and my throats burns. Everything comes back in an instant. I remember my twin leaving, father beating me again, the three vampires, and dying. Then I realize my throat is burning because I'm hungry. I smell something and look at a bookshelf. I see a cup with red liquid in it. I instantly realize hat it is blood, having smelt it so many times after fathers beatings. "Drink it, we both know you need it!" Nicklaus says. I grab the glass and take a sip of it. The sweet substance runs down my throat, and I put it down before I drink it greedily. "It's okay! Just drink! I won't let you get bad!" Nicklaus says sitting next to me. He hands me the drink and I look at him. He nods and takes a sip of it himself. "See? If I can do it you can!" He says handing it back to me. I nod and drink the rest slowly. "Good!" He says. My heart tells me to spot the blood up, but my head tells me not to. "Hey! It's okay! I know you are wanting to fight it! I promise, with a heart as pure as yours, you won't turn into a monster like me!" He says putting my head in his hands. "Your not a monster! I can see you like to chase people away, but your no monster! Your just a broken, bruised, lost soul! You've been hurt one to many times!" I say. I notice he starts to get tears in his eyes. "You seem to know the feeling!" He says and I nod. "My sister, she was always evil. Being the older sister, she took that as a power over me. She would say that I did something, and that caused me to get beaten by my father. She was so cruel that one day, she cut herself and told mother that I did it. I am naive and stupid, she is smart and manipulative." "You are not naive nor stupid! You are kind, beautiful, pure, and caring, if I can say all this stuff and I have only known you two days, then it is true!" I smile and let a tear fall. He moves his thumb and whiles it away. "Would you like to travel with my family and I? I would be glad to have you!" "That would be delightful!" "I shall be right back!" He says getting up. He walks out of the room, and I move my hand to where his once was. It's as if he understood me! He was broken to! Is it possible that I might have met my savior? The three siblings walk in to my room. "Hello, my name is Rebekah!" The woman says. "Kaitlyn!" I respond. "My brother tells me you will be traveling with us. May I ask why?" Elijah says. "Something is telling me to be with him. It's telling me that he will save me, and I'm not talking about physically!" I say and see that Nicklaus has tears forming in his eyes. Elijah and Rebekah share a look. "What's that look for?" I say. "We just have never seen somebody love our brother like you do!" Rebekah say. "Love?" I say. "We can tell that the two of you are in love, and love is a powerful thing!" "I don't know what love is!" I say turning to look out the window. "Love is what you and Nik have!" Rebekah says with tears coming in her eyes. I take a deep breath. "Sister, let's give them some privacy." Elijah says. She nods and they leave the room. I turn to Klaus, "why do they keep saying we're in love? I don't know what that feels like!" I say to him. "Love is when you can tell the other person anything. When you can trust them. When you are much alike. It's hard to explain, but I do know that there is something between us. I feel like I can tell you anything! I have never felt like this with anyone!" He says and I smile. I walk over to him. "I have never told anyone the story I told you!" I say. "Would you like to hear my story?" "Yes!" I say smiling and he chuckles. "I grew up with five siblings. Henrik, my youngest brother, was killed by werewolves. My mother and father wanted to make us immortal, and my mother created a spell since she was a witch. She put it in our wine and killed my siblings and I. When we awoke, they forced us to feed. We found out that mother was unfaithful to my father. She had me, and my father was a werewolf. Father abused me a lot! Mother put a spell on me, so my werewolf side would be dormant. I have been wanting to find a way to break it, but can't!" He says starting to cry. I grab his face and force him to look me in the eyes. "Were two broken souls, but we can fix each other!" I say with tears falling. He leans in and I do as well. Our lips meet, and we kiss for what feels like forever. He pulls back and looks at me. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that!" He says and I shake my head. "It's okay! I enjoyed it!" "As well as I, love!" I giggle. "You are cute when you giggle." I smile. "Oh really?" I say pulling away from him. "Where are you going?" He says standing up. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I say mysteriously. I vamp speed to the doorway, then turn around and put my finger in the air. I bend it towards me and he vamp speeds to me. I vamp speed out of the door way, and to the parlor. Nicklaus vamp speeds to me and grabs my waist before I can run again he grabs my waist. "What are you doing?" He says smirking. "I'm playing! I heard it's a fun thing to do!" I say to him jokingly. "Let's mess with my siblings!" He whispers and I nod. I vamp speed is to slamming into the wall. He does it again, and we continue throwing ourselves into the wall. "What the bloody heck is going on in here?!" Rebekah says running down the stairs along with Elijah. Nicklaus and I stop and laugh. I giggle and he chuckles. "What is going on?" Elijah says. "We just wanted to mess with you." I say shrugging my shoulders. They stare at us confused. "My bad?" I say and Nicklaus doubles over laughing. Elijah and Rebekah look confused, with a hint of happiness. "I think we found somebody who can save him!" Rebekah says and I smile.

Kaitlyn Petrova                                       CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now