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I can't last much longer, I can't believe it's been over a year since I got kidnapped. No-ones coming to save me, I've got to get out on my own. It shouldn't be too hard considering I've memorised the whole compound, not to mention the new powers that have been forced upon me.

Oh right sorry, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself! I am Skye Carter, granddaughter of the the super soldier, Steve Rogers. My mother, brother and I lived in England and my Father left soon after I was born. I had a pretty normal life until soon after my 13th birthday. When I was kidnaped, by a rogue organisation who decided that they needed to experiment on someone, and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For a year I lived in a room that consisted of a bed and and a table. Everyday I was taken to a room, where I was then strapped down and there I met with the cruelest man you could ever imagine, I didn't know his name but I called him "the four eyed devil" you can probably work out why. So anyway, in that room was a cupboard filled to the brim with injections with different colours, and each one hurt differently. Some burned, some made me paralysed, and some left me in so much pain that I contemplated suicide, so yeah, this year was a brilliant year for me! But anyway, now that you know all about me, let's go back to the present.

I was in my room, recovering after a round of sharp needle prodding! All of my senses had been been improved, and earlier that week I heard one of the doctors talking about the one of my new powers, which happened to be similar to that of the human torch, just not as extreme. So I assume that I should be able to melt the doorknob, and well I'll think of a plan as I go.

Firstly I had to take care of the security camera in my room, it mainly focuses on the bed, so I needed to make it look like I was there. Firstly I pushed my bed away from the wall, just slightly. Then I got into bed, with a pile of my clothes. I arranged my clothes so that it looked like a person sleeping, and I slowly rolled so I was at the wall side of the bed, remember that gap, well that would be very useful right about now. I slipped off the bad and landed on the floor, I crawled under the bed, clinging to the wall, so that the camera didn't see me. I managed to get to the door, I focused really hard on my hand, and it started to get really hot! I grasped the door handle and soon enough it melted, leaving me free to escape. Luckily not very many people walked through the corridors around here, so nobody noticed as I walked around for a few minutes, eventually I found a staff room, it had a few spare lab coats which could be helpful! The only slight problem would be the fact that there were two people sitting in the room drinking coffee, they both stared at me in shock, they're mouths wide open! I sighed before swiftly walking over to them and hitting them really hard in the head, rendering them unconscious but not injured. Oh did I forget to mention I had my grandfather's super strength? Sorry.

I grabbed the lab coat and quickly walked out of the room, the exit isn't too far away, but to get there I had to get past security, which could be problematic. Eh, it'll be fine! I kept walking, and kept my head down, I was quite tall for my age so I guess it was easier passing as an adult. I believe that I also have elemental powers, so like fire, ice, water, air, ground etcetera.... So technically I should be able to fly, I guess when I escape would be a good time to see if I'm right. I was now in the main office and so far no-one had noticed me, good. I walked towards the door, I was now inches away, but then one of the guards noticed who I was and started sprinting towards me, but I had already reached the doors, I shut them and melted them together, then I ran! I was in a desert of some sort, luckily there was no-one following me. So I stood still, and slowly lifted my hands up, and as I did I was lifted up by a gust of wind. As I angled my hands in different directions I worked out how to steer, it was kind if easy really! And fun! After hours of flying I was exhausted, so I landed on the pavement and started walking. I found myself in a busy town, I checked a local street sign, it read "Hollywood boulevard" oh I know where that is. I kept walking for a while longer, and eventually I found a huge tower, well I guess I could stay there for the night, and then find my mum in the morning. I wait until the street is deserted before I quickly fly there. As I look around the tower, I notice that is says "Stark" in very big writing, hmmm isn't that the name of this really rich guy. I find a space and curl up into a ball. Soon after, I fall asleep.

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