The Struggle - First round

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Her feet tread the hard pavement as she ran. She felt exhausted but she had to get away. The walkers were chasing her.

The walkers as she called those nasty things with decomposing skin, falling away from their muscles and bones; their blood-red eyes focused only in one thing.

Her horrendous smell of congealed blood and sweat.

The sky was dark and glum, making everything more complicated. Rain drops washed away the blood from her body as she ran to an alley to catch her breath.

The alley was dim and without another path. She didn't have any choice, unless she knew how to climb the big wall besides her.

Maybe this is the apocalypse, oh lord! I have to get to the bomb shelter before is too late. She thought. 

She tried to ignore that big lump in her throat, when she heard footsteps and groans coming her way.

She tightly grasps the gun in her hand and with the other softly touches her knife. How did she end up in this mess?

The moans were approaching, and she quickly climbed the dumpster and aimed her gun. Some dark blonde bangs move to her eyes and she brushed them away with her fingers.

Suddenly a noisy alarm coming from a ship was heard in the entire city. She was very close from the shore, so she took advantage of the moment the creatures stop moving and groaned by the sound, so she went in the direction of her salvation.

Her blood was pumping fast through her veins and her breath was coming short. She took a turn left and there she saw the big ship, the bomb shelter named the Noah’s Ark, her salvation.

Suddenly she noticed they were closing the doors and another alarm was heard.

She ran faster this time, giving everything she could, but she was tired, her legs started to fail and she fell to the ground.

“Help!” She screamed but no one could hear her.

"Help..." She whispered between sobs. She turned her body to look at the sky one more time. This was her end.

The walkers were approaching, taking their time to get to her. After everything she went through, this is how all turned out.

She clenched her side; her blood was mixing with the rain. Then she began to cough, she moved her head to the side, and saw how blood and saliva fell from her mouth slowly.

How can God be so cruel in letting this to happen? She thought.

The ship started to move, leaving a survivor to struggle in agony before her death. 

As God lied to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”

Author's note:

I tried my best in doing a vignette hehehe I hope you can enjoy this as much as I did. ^.^

I used this verse of the bible, Genesis 9:17 (But twisted in an awful way ._.)

Thank you @Nyhterides for the opportunity to participate in the competition!!

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