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"Priscilla, do you have the leaflets?” Miss Margot asked.

“Here ma'am." I said and she thanked me.

“So?" P asked.

"So?" I asked and fixing some decorations. We're in school getting ready for the show tonight, Priscilla, myself and the girls aren't performing tonight because it's the freshie’s spring break show. We're only here to help hand out leaflets and to be what so called host.

“How are you holding up?" She asked. 

“Fine, I had a talk with my mom earlier and she told me that-" I stopped and smiled at the old lady who smiled at me when I hand her a leaflet.  “Apparently it's called ' love at first sight'." I chuckled and she did too

"Maybe she's right, I mean come on, and you wouldn't go all Bella Swan and be Detective Conan just to find Prince Charming. “She uttered. 

“Hey, there was a huge difference between Bella Swan and I, she fall in love with a supernatural creature and I didn't.” I said defending myself. 

“So you're saying that you fall in love with a real human and Bella didn't?

“What? No, no. Love doesn't involve around my situation, there's no such thing as love. “I pouted and she chuckled. 

“You’ll never know, I mean seriously.  ... It could be." She nudged me and I blushed. 

“Whatever you say..." I told her and keeps handing out a leaflet for everyone who's walking past us.  Johanna and Leona are organising the backstage while Priscilla and I are left in the front.

“Alice..." Priscilla whispered. I refused to look at her as I'm looking at the leaflets. “Don’t freak out or anything but..." she trailed off and I looked at her.  She looks like she saw a ghost that's hunting her down. 

"But?" I asked and followed her gaze and my breath hitch in my throat as I saw his squared geek eyeglasses. .. This is some kind of sick joke, right? This is some kind of illusion? Am I hallucinating?

“Oh my..."I uttered and I saw her nodded. 

“This isn't true right?” I whispered at her. She looked at me and back to the guy who has the two guys that we saw the other day in the coffee shop. The guy was looking nervous at me and the images from yesterday came crashing back on me. I composed myself and turned around.

‘’I’m just going inside.’’ I told her but she held on my wrist.

‘’I would let you but honey, this is your time to find that happiness of yours… so.’’ She turned me around and I saw the two guys pushing the counter guy while Priscilla is pushing me to his direction.

‘’Sorry my lovely but talk to him wouldn’t hurt.’’ She smiled at me and winked. When the guy and I are a few inches away she let go off me. ‘’Hey Jordi and Gerrard, want to go inside now?’’ She suggested and the two guys nodded and followed after her. We both stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say or anything. He keeps running his hand on his hair while I keep pinching myself. Is he real? Is this real? Is he really standing in front of me?

‘’You lied…’’ was the first thing that I blurred out. I know I needed to get that out…

‘’I didn’t… Never did.’’ His response and I backed away from him.

‘’You said you don’t have a girlfriend.’’ I look down. I felt him came closer to me and tilted my head to make me look at him. And in that moment, I feel lost just looking at his brown eyes. They were so beautiful and the way he looked at me makes me feel like he’s telling me the truth but I know I need to be strong in this battle. I need to know everything…

‘’I don’t… She’s an ex-girlfriend. I told her, I like someone else.’’ And I feel like my heart is breaking into pieces as he said that. ‘’Someone who’s more beautiful inside and out, someone who I have been looking for and as silly as this sounds, I call that someone as my Cinderella.’’ He chuckled and I slapped his hand away and turned my back to him.

‘’You found her yet?’’ I asked and keep fighting for the tears not to fall.

‘’I suppose… I think so… I don’t know. I have been looking for her everywhere but she was really good at hiding and now that I found her I told myself to finish the basic greetings and all and maybe ask her out for a coffee or anything that she likes.’’ He said and I nodded and he walked in front of me and held my hand. Let me be cliché in this but I never would have thought that I would say this but… I feel the butterflies, the electricity and all those cliché thing when he held my hand… Is this what they call a bond, a connection between you and the one that you are destined for? Like in a werewolf story? Is this what you called as soul mate?

‘’Anything you like my Cinderella.’’ He finishes off and I looked at him. I looked at him with wide eyes.

‘’Wha-what?’’ I asked and he smiled lovingly at me.

‘’You’re the one I have been looking for, ever since that night in the cinema… I don’t know how you did it but you just suddenly knocked me down and as cliché as this sound… I want to spend a day with you, just talking and cuddling perhaps.. Just you and I.’’ He said and I smiled at him.

‘’How about the girl- that..’’ I trailed off.

‘’I didn’t kissed her back… she was jealous.’’ he chuckled and I did too. We both stared at each other and our faces are meeting halfway. My eyes fluttered closed and the next thing I knew, his lips were sealed in mine. He kissed me slowly and passionately and I can feel those sparks and butterflies around my body. Am I really kissing him?

‘’I have been looking for you too…’’ I breathed out once we pulled away. I leaned my forehead into his and I can feel him smile.

‘’What’s your name?’’ He asked and I chuckled.


‘’Well then Alice, it was nice meeting you... I’m James.’’ He said and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me.

‘’I prefer Cinderella…’’ He kissed me once again and I kissed him back. Is this how it feels like to find your happiness? Is this what it feels like to feel what they called ‘love at first sight’ and ‘soul mate’?

I didn’t lied when I said I didn’t believed in love at first sight… not until James showed up and proved me wrong that love at first sight do exist, only if you look hard for it.

Lesson learnt: Look for something that will make you happy and don’t give up until you find them.

The End.. Thanks for reading :)

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