ungrateful raindrops. stormy attitude.

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Witnessing the rain drizzle upon the ground including the weak grass in which all the houses sat amongst. The areas around the grounds of melemele, becoming soaked and damp. every passing minute — even every second the rain would get heavier pounding upon the roof like you'd expect someone to do banging at a wooden door. It definitely wasn't my ideal setting on a day which i had planned to set sail for kanto, quiet some distance away to where i wished to board the boat in ecxitment instead of being stuck locked inside my cottage with my mind going absolutely crazy due to the quietness and only having the rain to fill my ears and my sudden craving for malasadas which wasn't out of the ordinary. Craving malasadas was completely normal for someone like me — since they where my favourite treat in all of alola! i ate them constantly with my pokemon companions!

Although the aggressive weather clearly hadn't changed it's mind on letting the alolan sun come out to revel itself and sprinkle it's light over the region. i groaned in complete pity and bother surely the rain must stop soon? — glancing upon the window sinking down making myself even more uncomfortable getting deeper seated into the chair with an annoyed scoff escaping my lips. why'd it have to rain today? could it really not have waited! — I've waited for so long, to leave for kanto to see my friend lillie who left a a year ago but to also find my dad who left me when i was little according to everyone he didn't want to be the dad of a future kahuna. Although of course my plans where ruined. I mean we never get rain here in alola, and when we did it normally only lasts a few hours, which i can handle before giving up as it attempted to water another region surrounding alola.
normally the alola region was suffering from warm temperatures and loads of bright and harsh sunlight almost everyone here would be locked away in their little cottages or even any building with air conditioning or, attempting to crowding the beach in wishing to get themselves a place in the cold refreshing waters. I mean the beach was so crowded even the tallest persob would get lost! Alola would also constantly get visors from other regions coming for a taste our alolan life style aswell as, the most delicious treat in all of alola. Malasadas!~
which once again where my favourite treat ever. I mean who couldn't resist at least trying a malasada? there's so many flavors to try from! — bitter, dry, sour, spiced and of course sweet my personal favourite out of them all! taking another glance out the window watching the rain continue to drizzle the wind picking up becoming a whole new level of aggression as i growled under my breathe my face expression going sour, as my gramps hala — the current kahuna of melemele glancing his attention directly towards me as he raised an eyebrow putting the current book he was reading down upon his lap spreading his arms out to me for a graceful hug. This wasn't the first time he's done it to. Gramps could tell when something was bugging me its obvious when my hyperactive mood disapears in front of him although i do try to hide it but it never seems to work. I turned all my attention to him with a slight smile curving my lips jumping up from my uncomfortable state, as i charged at him as if i was a tauros hearing food being prepared using all my full speed jumping into his lap as i hugged him tightly feeling him rub my back his robe brushing agaisnt my uncovered arms feeling the rough fabric poke my me, as i closed my eyes allowing my gramps to rub the back of my head, as he used his index finger to lift my chin up as our eyes met.

// well erm hi! ^^
i used to be a common writter here on wattpad although i ended up leavin'
but i've returned since everyone seems to like my writtin' so ...? :"))
anywho i'm v sorry for the long chapter although i wanted to knock most of it out so yeah!!
feedback would be greatly appreciated if you have any otherwise i look foreward to writtin' the next chapter.
(ps, i ship haudion too much just be aware of that my obession is crazy-)

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