-Meeting Him-

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The day started off cold, wet, and muggy. I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my ride to school. "ROSE!" my little brother Landon screamed. I glared down at him and responded with an annoyed, "Yes?" He was so excited about everything so this was about the fifth time today he screamed at me like this. "Barron Trump is coming to our school today!" "Wow." I said sarcastically. Ignoring my sarcasm he kept talking, "He's going to choose someone to go to The White House with him." Landon said quickly. I was about to say something back to him but the bus was already there. On the way to school I sat in the very back of the bus with my super cool friend Mabel who is just the best, and my other friend who is also awesome Wendy.

As we arrived at school Mabel and I went to class, but Wendy had to leave because she's in math first hour. "Did you hear Barron Trump is coming to the assembly today?" Mabel hinted at me. Mabel and Wendy always bother me about Barron Trump because we're "perfect for eachother". "Yes I heard." I said back hoping she would stop talking about it. "Try not to fangirl over his Beauty." she said laughing. I was about the punch her in the arm but the bell rang.

The day went by slowly but it was lunch time now so I was happy. Wendy, Mabel, and I sat down at our lunch table that is only for kool kids. (that is why we sit there) We sat there and talked about our day and how Wendy witnessed a chick fight. (It was probably over Barron Trump because he is so fabulous)

Eventually lunch was over, as I get up to dump my tray I see him walk in the door. I couldn't believe it, Barron Trump was actually here. He walked in like a majestic horse, he slid his fingers through his silky smooth, golden blonde hair. I was in a trance by his beauty, then it happened, he saw me and smiled. I became so overwhelmed by his beauty everything went black.

Then I awoke and found myself in the nurse's office. I was laying on the patience bed, it was cold but I had a strange jacket over me. I start to look around the room because I didn't see the nurse but then I looked over to my right and there was Barron Trump sitting next to me waiting for me to wake up. "Oh, you're awake!" He said seeming relieved. I was speechless at first, but I managed to get a few words out. "What happened?" I questioned him. "You fainted and I brought you here." I was blushing but it looked like a tomato through up on my face. He laughed and asked me what my name was. "Rose." I replied. "Really?! I love that name!" He answered me happily. We sat in the nurse's office talking for a while and we actually had something in common. As we were talking about our favorite food these guys in suits came in and Barron trump had to go because the assembly was about to start. "I will see you at the assembly! See you later?"He said with a hopeful smile on his face. "Definitely." I replied. "Great." As the door shut I let out a sound of joy but it sounded like a wild llama giving birth to a cat.

I got up and made my way to the gym. As I was walking down the hallway I saw Wendy and Mabel. I told them them about Barron and I's conversation. "OH My GOSH!" Mabel yelled. "I knew you still liked him!" Wendy replied. "What?" I said trying to sound innocent. It was no use though they both new I liked him. We walked into the gym and found our seats then Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester came up to say their speech they do every time we have an assembly. I look over and see Barron peeking through the doors, my heart was going omg crazy. He was looking around the crowd of people sitting on the bleachers, then he made eye contact with me. He waved and smiled and I did the same. Mabel and Wendy saw and of course they make a huge deal out of it. Finally, Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester got done with their speech then they introduced Barron. He walked up where Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester were and Barron was followed by his bodyguards. When he got up there he took the microphone from Mr. Howell and said "Hello everyone!" he smiled "Of course all of you know why I am here." He paused "I have come to pick the lucky winner that gets to come with me to Washington D.C!" Everyone started to clap and cheer. "Your teachers and Principals has chosen a very special person to come." Then one of his guards handed him a slip of paper with the name of the lucky winner. He unfolded it and began to speak. "And the luck winner is!" He looked at it and paused, but then he looked straight at me. "Rose Williams!" he yelled out. I froze, paralysed, I couldn't believe it he chose me. I snapped out of my trance and hugged Mabel and Wendy and went up on stage with Barron. As I got up there I was so happy I looked at Barron and he hugged me. I almost passed out but I was too happy I couldn't think. I could hear Wendy and Mabel screaming from the bleachers. "YOU GO GIRL!" I heard someone yell. "I SHIP IT!" Another voice yelled. Barron looked at me and smiled again. Mr. Lester and Mr. Howell tried to calm the crowd as they began to speak.

As the assembly ended I was walking out when a soft hand grabbed my shoulder. "Hey!" Barron said sounding cheerful. He asked if I wanted to hang out to get to know me better because we will be going to The White House with him. "I would love too! I mean yeah, that sound cool!" I replied. "Wait, I will be skipping class." Barron then said that he talked to Mr. Lester and Mr. Howell and they said that that would be a good idea. We then spent a few hours talking about our lives, friends, drama, and food. The bell for last hour rang and I had to go. "Bye! I will talk to you later." I handed him my phone number, he smiled and said bye. I was walking down the hallway when the loud speakers came on and said "Rose Williams, Rose Williams to the front office." I then hurried to the front office to find my mom and dad waiting in their looking extremely happy. "Rose!" My mother shouted with joy. "I am so proud of you!" My father blurted out. My parent's took a few more minutes of saying how happy they were that I was the chosen one who gets to go to The White House.

When I got home from school I was so exhausted I took a nap, I slowly fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up I found my mom in my room packing my my clothes into bags. I started at her for a few minutes trying to stay awake. "Sweety, you're awake!" She said softly. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Getting you packed for Washington D.C!" She sang. "But I'm not going for a few days." I said. "Honey If we don't start now then you will never be packed." She looked at me and I nodded in agreement. A hour or so passed when my phone went off "Buzz, Buzz" I looked down at my phone, someone had texted me. The text read, "Hey, it's Barron." My heart almost exploded. I was sweating so much I was almost swimming in my own armpit water. After taking a few minutes of trying to think of what to say I put, "Hey Barron! Whats up?" I waited a few minutes but I got no response. I sighed and fell back on my bed and wrapped my Hogwarts blanket around me. I laid there in silence thinking about my day. It was crazy to think that I actually met Barron Trump, but soon bad thoughts flooded my mind. "What if he doesn't like me!" "What if he likes Mabel or Wendy!" "He is going to ditch me because I am so awkward!" These thoughts kept coming and they wouldn't stop. Beep, Beep, my phone went off. I slowly unwrapped myself from my burrito of warmness and slowly reached for my phone, I saw that I got a text. I looked down and saw that it was Barron. I made an in human sound and opened the text. "Nothing much, what about you?" he sent. We talked for a solid two hours then he had to go. "I have to go, talk to you later?", "Defiantly, Bye!" After that I decided I should probably go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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