Who Should Marry?

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*Marriage* is a sacred institution ordained by God, for the purpose of better and life long relationship between a man and woman.So in order for us to answer the question who should marry, we must consider these areas...

• *Purposeful* If you haven't answered the *why* you are here on earth, then don't ho about looking for *whom* to spend the rest of your life with...I mean what is life when it doesn't have a meaning to you yet? Going into marriage without knowing your purpose is like going to a church because you simply like the name only for you to get there and discover its impossible to leave. What will happen to such fellow? Frustration! I hope the picture is clear now...

• *Beautiful*When we hear the word beautiful, our minds quickly drift to *TDH* and *figure 8*But beauty is far more than that, Being beautiful is having your inside match your outside...What does that mean?Don't focus on making your face and body only attractive, work on your character too.You know your flaws...Get working on themA saying how's like this... *"Bad attitude is like a flat tyre, it won't take you anywhere"*And its the pure truth...Marriage isn't for folks with bad characters.

• *Emotional Stability*

This is key because when you're not balanced emotionally you become insecured and start acting immaturely...Your sense of emotions would take over your sense of Reasoning...That's why we see 30something old men behaving like a 12 year old boy...

• *Intelligent*

You desired to get married?Then you have to be Intelligent!Marriage isn't for people who has nothing upstairs..You've got to invest in your intellectual department if you so wish to get married one day...Must be able to think ahead.I'm not even talking about holding a first class degree here, but having a first class in dealing with life issues, handle financial issues properly, not subjected to your sexual hormones and having a great social life.Now that is intelligence...

In conclusion

Anybody that wishes to marry must be balanced in all aspects of life. i.e being emotionally stable, financially independent, sexually sane, physically attractive, spiritually active and mentally sound.That is the requirement for *who should marry*

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