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I sat on the window ledge in my room that I shared with one of the girls here, she was my best friend named Cathy. Here is a place that I tolerated. I mean i enjoyed being here but, I just wanted to be adopted and to have a family. You see, I have lived in this orphanage since the day I was born. I have been adopted before but, they always brought me back. Mrs. Jenny, the orphanage owner, would always come up to the room and tell me "Someday someone will get to witness your beauty and talent but, for now find out what that is." It made me feel a little better but, I still felt like a stray cat that nobody wanted. Not even my real parents wanted me. I have always been the curious type. So when I found the documents in Mrs. Jenny's office about why they left me, I was heartbroken. My real parents didn't want a kid together so they put me in the orphanage. I thought about how I wasn't wanted even though Mrs. Jenny told everyone that they are in this world for a reason. All we have to do is find the family to be with.
    Mrs. Jenny was a nice 57 year old lady who had two kids, Amber and Chad. Amber and Chad were 23 year old twins who visited the orphanage sometimes. Just like their mom, Mrs. Jenny, they were nice and filled with respect. Mrs. Jenny always made us feel special. Her family treated us better than anyone in the world has. One day, I was sitting in the same spot I sit in everyday. I had just finished my chores and ate breakfast. I sat there thinking about what probably would've happened if I stayed with my parents. While deep in thought, I heard a knock on the door. In walked Mrs. Jenny with a baby named Bradley on her hip.
    "Addison, Some couples are coming by to adopt some kids from ages 15-17. Do you mind helping me gather up everyone from that age range? Tell them to put some nice clothes on as well. Maybe, you should put nice ones on too. After all, you're in that age range you could get adopted today!" Mrs. Jenny exclaimed excitedly, while tickling Bradley. Bradley giggled.
    "With all do respect Mrs. Jenny, I highly doubt I will get adopted today. Even if I do, what if they just bring me back like the others?" I cried out, tears threatening to fall. Mrs. Jenny sighed and set Bradley down to play with the toys in the room. She walked over to me and gave me a big hug.
    "Addie, you have to give some people a chance. Not everyone is the same you know?" Mrs. Jenny responded while rubbing my back. I wiped my tears from my eyes and sighed. I guess I could try to give them a chance.
    "Fine. I will give them a chance, but only one!" I exclaimed. Mrs. Jenny squealed and picked up Bradley, who waved goodbye and left the room. I started to go through my clothes to see which one I would wear. I pick some black shorts with a white flowy tanktop. I quickly went to gather everyone around as I heard Mrs. Jenny greet someone. When everyone that was at the age 15-17 downstairs Mrs. Jenny appeared with only one couple. I knew my chances were slim to none.
    "Okay, everyone this is Mr. and Mrs. Monroe. They are here to adopt one of you. They will come around and you will tell them your name. Also, tell them a little about yourself. Such as, what you like to do on your free time and your hobbies. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe went around and greeted everyone before having one-on-one conversations with each individual. Twenty minutes after they arrived they stopped in front of me and smiled.
    "Hello, I am Michael Monroe and this is my wife Stacie Monroe." Michael introduced.
    "Hi, I am Addison Berkeley. I am 16 years old and I love to read. I like to listen to music and i have a passion for dancing. I can cook and i do clean as chores." I shyly answered. Satisfied with my answer they smiled and said goodbye. When they were all finished Mrs. Jenny lead them to her office to discuss their choice. I told everyone to go back to doing whatever they were doing or their chores.

*10 Minutes Later*

    "Addison, could you come down here for a minute?" Mrs. Jenny shouted up the stairs. I finished the last paragraph in my book before walking down the stairs.
    "Yes ma'am?" I questioned when i got downstairs. She was standing with Michael and Stacie. They turned to me and smiled. I raised an eyebrow and got butterflies in my stomach. I tried to ignore my stomach as much as I can. I couldn't let my guard down.
    "Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly. They giggled as Mrs. Jenny stepped forward.
    "Addie, go get your things." Mrs. Jenny smiled. I started to tear up and while smiling. Out of all the kids they choose me! I ran and hugged them while screaming. I had finally had a family. Family, It feels weird saying it because I never had a real family. I suddenly pulled away from the hug and ran upstairs to pack. I didn't have much to pack. As soon as i got to my room; my old room. I seen Cathy sitting on her bed reading a book.
    "Whoa, Are you okay? Why are you acting all crazy?" She giggled. I was out of breath and I had a big smile on my face.
    "It's Happening! I am getting adopted!!!" I screamed. I started to hysterically cry. She stood up from her bed with a knowing look on her face. She ran to me and wrapped me in a hug. Even though I was leaving I was sad too. I knew I had to take this chance. Cathy was my only friend in here. She was there for me and I was always there for her.
    "Aw love, don't cry! You go out there and show them who you are! You're Addison Berkeley. me, we will see each other again, okay?" She happily yet sadly exclaimed.
    "Okay" I said wiping my tears away. She smiled at me then helped me pack my clothes. When I was done I said one last goodbye to her and everyone before going back downstairs to meet my new family.
    I walked over to where Stacie and Michael stood. After hugging Mrs. Jenny goodbye we headed to the car. In the car we talked about things when they explained to me more about them.
    "Now Addison, there is something we need to tell you. We actually have three other kids. The reason we wanted to adopt another child is because I can't have anymore children and we are newlyweds. We wanted to have a child of our own. This was our only option but, we are glad you are apart of the family." Stacie explained. I understood where she was coming from. The words "Apart of the Family" made me want to cry tears of joy. I was more than happy to have more siblings. I just hope that they like me.
    We finally pulled up to a giant house with Halloween decorations out in the front. We got out of the car and walked inside. As we stepped inside I noticed streamers and balloons all around. There was a sign in the middle of the living room saying "Welcome Home." I looked around shocked and happy.
    "This is all for me?" I asked still in shock. Stacie and Michael grinned like a cheshire cat while nodding.
    "We wanted you to feel welcomed" Michael explained still grinning. I looked around admiring what they had done for me.
    "Kids, we're home!" Stacie shouted. I heard footsteps come from the staircase as I watched a boy holding a baby come down the stairs with a little girl trailing right behind him.
    "Hello, I am Greg! This little guy's name is Johnny and this is Kaela. We are your new brothers and sister." Greg said. He offered me a small smile while shaking my hand. I smiled and waved.
    "Greg, do you mind showing Addie her new room?" Stacie asked taking Johnny from his hands. Greg nodded at me to follow him up the stairs. As we walked up the stairs to my room he told me a little bit about everyone. He was 17 years old, Kaela was 13 years old and Johnny was 2. He also told me about how when they were younger they moved around alot. He also told me about how it was Stacie's third marriage. When we reached my door, he opened it while gesturing me in.
    "Well, this is it." He said with a small smile on his face. I returned the smile before looking around my new room. It was a blue room with black and white bed spread. The bed laid in the middle of the room. It was a normal room but, it was way nicer than the one at the orphanage. I smiled and walked in setting my bags on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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