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Klaus's POV

I walked down to the basement with a bottle of bourbon in my hand and in the other some glasses. I got down and opened my baby sisters' casket and I took a seat in the chair I had put in front of it.

"Another year without your presents, sister." I spoke with sadness in my voice. I hung my head low and opened the bourbon and drank some. "Esther and Mikael will pay dearly for taking your life away from your family, from me. I will make sure if they ever come back they will pay."  I got up and put the bottle down and looked at her. "It has been a thousand years, I will bring you back. No more! You will not go another year as some.... puppet, touring me. I need to see you again." I rubbed her grey cheek and tears now fell down my face. "I need you, sister..... I need you." I went down and kissed her forehead. I grabbed the bourbon again and drank more. "These  years without you have been Hell."  I whispered as the memories of the past year were there. I stood there before my memories of the last time I held my baby sister when she was breathing came and I couldn't control my crying any longer.

Kol's POV

It was the 1000th year of my baby sister, Meighans' death. I locked myself in my room and was balling my eyes out. This was the one day a year I'd truly cry, and it was for my little sister. I wanted to see her but I knew that Nik would be down there first and I didn't want him to see me like this even though he would be crying also.

I stayed in my room for the longest time til I couldn't help it. I used my vampire speed and I sped downstairs into the basement to be met by Nik graving like I was gonna do. 

"I miss her Nik..." I said as I put my hands on her casket to see her sleeping peacefully.

"I miss her too Kol. We can't go another year.... I don't think I can survive that..." He said in tears as I hugged my brother. We both missed our sister and this was the only time we would be seen hugging and crying together.

"Hey..." Bekah said from behind us. We let go of each other and hugged her too as Elijah soon joined us. We all stayed there for a while til we started to say the things we missed about our sister.

After we did that we got some stuff and sat down there, this was the day none of us wanted to be seen by the people of New Orleans or by Hayley and Cami. People wanted to help but no one could, how could they help us get over something so important? I would never be happy with someone trying to help or I wouldn't be happy at all til I saw my sister running around with her sweet laugh and kind hearted smile.

Klaus's POV

I took a bite of some pizza we had ordered and I leaned against my sisters' casket. I hugged my knees to me as I ate and tried to think of something to bring her back.

"What if Bonnie brought her back?" Kol asked. "She brought people back before so I'm sure that she could bring Meighan back." A small smile came to my face and I nodded.

"I'll go get her."Rebekah said and sped away to go find Bonnie. We waited for a while and Elijah let them in and locked the door to make sure no one could come in.

"Where is she?" Bonnie asked which made me and Kol growl.

"She has a name and it is Meighan." Kol sstated, making Bonnie mad.

"Well sorry, I'm not the happiest to be bringing someone who is Klaus Mikaelson's full evil blooded sibling back form the dead." She rolled her eyes making me mad, a low growl emerged from my lips as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Just!" I took a breath trying to calm down. "Just, bring her back..... Please." I said in a voice that made her face go from rage, to sadness.

"O-ok." She nodded slowly and pushed us out of the room. I sat down with my other siblings and put my head in my hands.

Elijah's POV

I watched my siblings carefully before getting up and grabbing a glass of burbon. I wanted my little sister more than someone could ever image, the thought of Bonnie being able to bring her back made me fill with hope.

"D-do you think she can do it?" Bekah choked out throw her crying.

"If she does, Meighan will be so confuse of what she is." All eyes turned to me as I sat down. "I mean, she was put as some.... Toy, once she was turned to a vampire...." I started before Kol cut me off.

"So she isn't gonna remember being a vampire, if anything.... Us." The thought made my tears go down faster, I couldn't image if she came back and didn't remember us, me.

Bonnie's POV

I was in the prosses of the spell and once it was done I was bleeding from my mose and eyes.

I couldn't even believe that I did this.... For the Original family who has brought me more pain then I could ever think was possible! So why did I do it? Whatever the reason it was too late to go back because sje was turning back to her normal color.

My body froze, how would she react to being alive?

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