How you Met

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~How You Met~


You stand in line waiting with your friend to enter the One Direction concert. As nervousness takes over you, you tell you friend to save your spots in line so you could run to the bathroom.

Once you reach the bathroom you hear a bus pull up, and hear faint voices in the background as you swiftly turn around, and bump into a broad chest. You stumble backwards, but as your about to fall, strong arms catch you. You look at the strong arms, and see familiar tattoos etched onto the skin of the arms. Slowly, you look up to meet piercing green eyes staring at you.

"I'm sorry love, didn't mean to stumble you there."

"I-it's okay." you lamely stutter, and a chuckle leaves the boys mouth as he grins.

"Don't be afraid of me, Im just a normal person like you. Can I get you an autograph or a picture... I'm assuming your here for the concert."

"Y-yeah s-sure. Thanks."

You reach into you pocket to take out your iPhone and he snaps a selfie of you two.

"We look pretty good together, dont you think babe. Here's my number and call me if you're ever bored and feel like going out." He scribbles something on a price of paper and hands it to you with a wink as he sprints away.

You stare at the paper in you hand dumbfounded. On the paper is scribbled in messy handwriting,


-Harry xx :)

You look to the boy sprinting in front of you as you smile and run back to your friend, not being able to wait to tell her the events of the past five minutes.


Your trying to get off you plane, eager to see your best friend as you land in Orlando Florida. As you get up you struggle with getting your baggage from the compartment over your head because of you dislocated knee which is covered in a brace. You hear shuffling behind you as light colored arms reach up and bring down your green bag and hands it to you.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem, anything to help a fellow knee dis locator." he grins as he sees your shocked face, and tears of happiness fall down your cheek.

"Oh my gosh. Your Niall Horan." you say in disbelief.

He smirks and says, "The one and only... Actually I dont know if there's another Niall Horan, although I think there is because I met one, one time in a interview for my band and... I'm sorry for rambling and keeping your time your probably waiting to get off the plane an-"

"Niall its completely fine." You answer calmly. You find it somewhat weird that he seems nervous so you decide to ask. "Niall, why do you seem so nervous?" He seemed to dodge the question successfully and continued helping you.

He helps you walk out of the plane and to the gate, and turns around once you get to the baggage claim. You finish having the long conversation about how you dislocated your knee, by playing basketball.

"Ok... I guess this is goodbye for now, but about your question earlier, of why I was nervous. Im gonna be a man and tell you the truth. Your beautiful." He said, and you stared at him shocked. You thought 'how can he think I'm beautiful? I look like poop right now coming off a long flight,' but he answered your question for you by saying, "from the minute I saw you struggling on the plane I knew I was in love. Even though we only met, I can see us together in the future. Your a real person (Y/N), and I dont want you to forget that. You look beautiful just the way you are with this natural look, and the way your face shines. I dont want to see you in makeup like the other girls. You look breathtaking and I dont want you to change in order to please other people. Be yourself and as I always say, 'take me as I am, or dont take me at all.' Your beautiful, and remember that."

You stare at him shocked. No one has ever told you such nice things before, and yet you couldn't find the right words to say, so instead, you went up on your tippy toes and have him a gentle kiss in the lips, and murmured a quick, "Thanks." He smiled at you and handed you a piece of paper. You smiled, gave him a quick hug and crutched your way to the arrival part of the airport.

When you're sitting in the car you open the paper and reveal a scribbled letter saying,

"(Y/N) please call me, I want to see you again, because I'm not letting a beautiful princess like you go. ;)


~Niall :) :)


You and Louis met each other at an Ellen interview for the boys. you and four other girls were called up to be paired up with the boys for a game. You were paired up with Louis.

The game was to name the favorite things about your partner, and the pair that says the most things in a minute wins.

You start off by saying, "Eyes."








With that he slipped a piece of paper in your hand, and the game ended.

After you left the Ellen studio, you went into your car eager to see what was written on the paper. It said:

I like everything about you, and I want to know if you would like to hang out sometime.


Louis :)


You met Liam at a hospital, while you were busy visiting a little boy named James. Upon leaving his room after the visit, you bumped into someone on your way out.

"Oh, sorry there..." you said hastily, and embarrassed.

"Oh no love, its okay... Im sorry I should've been watching where I was going... I could've hurt someo-"

"Its no problem. Im (Y/N) by the way." You stick out your hand for hand for him, to shake it, but he engulfs you in a hug instead.

It took you a bit by surprise but you accepted it. "Im Liam. I like to hug and not hand shakes. They reminds me more of like a buissness deal, but I'd like to be friends."

Turns out Liam also visited James, so he gave you a piece of paper with words scribbled on it that said:


Liam :D

The rest was history.


The start of your and Zayn's friendship, that led to a relationship, started off on a rocky road.

The way you met wasn't really a pleasant way to make a friend.

One day you were driving home from work, after a long and bad day, and the only thing you wanted to do was sleep. Only, of course god didn't have that plan in mind for you.

You were rear ended in the back of you car when you slammed the breaks. The man in the car that rear ended you came running out and said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I should've watched where I was going and payed more attention. Is there anything I could do about it."

"What is there for YOU to do about it, are you some multi millionaire that has a bunch of money to fly around?!?"

"I'm sorry,I really didn't mean it... What can I do to help?"

Thats when you realized that he doesn't have an American accent, and thats when you also realized that this was Zayn Malik from One Direction.

"No no no no no... I'm sorry I totally didn't realize it was you... Not that this makes it okay, your going to still have to pay the damage, but I wasn't being at all respectful knowing that your older than me and all... Im sorry."

"No don't worry about it. Here's my number and give me a call to know how much I have to pay, and also I wanna be friends... We didn't really start off in the right foot, so let's start over, yeah?"

"Okay we can start over."

Then he handed you his number. and that started your beautiful relationship.

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