The Carnival

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Caroline : Mackenzie!! Lets go on the Rock and Roll!
Mackenzie : Do we have to??
Caroline : Yes! It will be fun! Ill pay!? And they have some good music playing!
Mackenzie : Okay...

As they were in line someone caught Caroline's eye, he was tall, blond, blue eyes, and has this gorgeous smile. Mackenzie caught that something was floating in the air... With curiosity in her voice she asked...

Mackenzie : Who you checking out??
Caroline : No one...
Mackenzie : Really now? Because I see a tall, dirty blond guy with blue eyes looking you're way! 😁
Caroline : Okay... MAYBE I was staring, but in my defence he was staring to and he is super hot!!
Mackenzie : You do have a point...
Carnie : Okay ladies, that will be four tickets each.
Caroline & Mackenzie : Oh sorry, hear you go.
Carnie : No problem! Enjoy the ride!

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