Break Up PART 1 [TH]

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Hi, there this is my first story/ imagine so please be kind and say what you like or don't like in the comments!!             

964 words

 Part 2 will have a SMUT part but you can skip it if you're not into that.

Hope you enjoy this one and please give it a vote if you do!!

Im open to any requests so just message me :)

Tom and I were dating now for about a year and I never had problems when it came to Tom's working schedule. Sure sometimes I wouldn't see much of him, especially when he would have to travel but nothing we couldn't work out. I was very understanding and FaceTime was a thing.
But it all changed when Tom landed the role as Spider-Man. When we got the news we were very excited and I was happy for him. I knew this was the role of a lifetime and a dream for Tom since Spider-Man was always he's fav superhero.
So I decided to move to Atlanta with Tom since it was summer and I didn't have uni classes.
Being the main character in such a big movie, Tom never had a day off and that was something I wasn't used to. I started feeling very lonely since I would barely see him but my love for him was stronger than anything else and I would keep reminding myself that "it's just a couple more months, it's going to be alright".
And today was just another day. When I woke up Tom wasn't there anymore, he'd woke up to go to work and leave without waking me up since it was so early.
I got up and made myself breakfast and decided to go for a run so I could have a distraction, who knew it would come to this. When I came back I had a shower and started making lunch again, for myself. I knew Tom must be going to his lunch soon so I texted him to see if it was alright for me to go to the Studio.

[Y] Hey babe is it okay if I go to the studio after lunch?

To my surprise he texted back right way, he had to be on his break.

[T] Yeah of course just remember to bring your I.D so they can let you come in. I have to go now my lunch break is over in a minute. Love you x

I nodded and smiled reading the text and replied.

[Y] I will, love you x

Of course, he didn't reply back and I just kept making my lunch until it was done and I finally had a chance to eat it. I put a little of makeup on and grabbed my bag and went outside calling an Uber. In 15 minutes or so I asked my Uber to leave me just outside of the gates and then went to security and showed my I.D, he checked and let me go. I got in and looked around me. It always fascinated me too see everything that would go into making a Marvel Movie. I asked around to see in which studio they were filming and got there entering, making sure I didn't make any noise. I went close to the crew and just waved at them and looked right at Tom. He's acting was just amazing. He was so good at what he did. I was so proud of him.
But my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the word "Cut" and Tom stepped away from the filming zone finally seeing me.

"Hey you came" he smiled giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Of course" I said smiling

"I've missed you so much love I'm so sorry I'm so busy" he hugged me and I could feel the sadness in his voice.

"It's okay babe I know this is your job I understand" I spoke sadly hugging him back.

He steeped away looking at me and touching my chin with his thumb, our eyes locked and I was almost about to cry. It has been so long since I felt him, kissed him.

"Tom we have to go" someone spoke and we both nodded giving each other another kiss before he went to film another scene.

I had sat in his chair and stayed in the studio for a couple more hours of filming when finally Tom was able to come near me for the second time since I was there.

"Hey " he walked over with a sad expression

"Hey" I looked at him "what's wrong?" I asked

"I have to stay until very late, maybe you should go home I don't want you to be bored here" he said looking at me

I sighed and nodded "It's okay I just wanted to see you for a bit" I got up from the chair and kissed him on the lips.

He held my waist kissing me and when he stepped away he looks at me like almost disappointed in himself which broke me because I knew it wasn't his fault and it was hard for him too.

"I'm so sorry" he repeated

"Tommy ..." I pouted. "Don't be, I know it's not your fault, you know I understand" I try to give him a smile so his conscience could rest.

"I know but I can't help feeling guilty" he gulped

"Babe look at me" I said holding his face and locking eyes with him. "You don't have to feel guilty okay? This is your job and it's amazing and you are amazing at it" I smiled. "And that suit looks very good on you as well" I bit my lip laughing which made him laugh as well.

"I love you" he said kissing me.

"I love you too now go kick ass" I smiled and he waved at me going back to filming.
I stayed for 10 more minutes or so and then said goodbye to everyone leaving the studio and called an Uber to get home. As soon as I got home I cooked some dinner and ate all myself like, I was used to, watching [your favourite tv show]. 

End of Part One.

TOM HOLLAND IMAGINES 🌂Where stories live. Discover now