Do you remember?

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"Do you remember?"
"No, not really."
"I can't forget."
"Trust me, no one
even remembers."
"Yeah, I guess."

(Connor's flashback)

My breath quickens rapidly, my heart racing. Everything so sudden. Unable to focus on one object or noise, everything just mixing together, causing a large frustration. My fingertips tapping repeatedly on the side of my leg, scratching slightly against the denim. My fingers often moving up to my shirt, fiddling with the buttons or messing with the strap of my bag, finding some distraction. I felt the daggering eyes of many glaring in my direction, I breathed in deeply with the hope I'd be able to calm my nerves, though my breath got heavier and harder to control. I had a temptation to run out the room but the fear of even moving from my seat which I uncomfortably sat in was too high. My hands now shaking as my legs also did the same, I placed the palm of my hands against each of my legs, forcefully attempting to stop them, though seconds later as I removed my hands they continued. More glares, more fits of giggles, more heads raising. Even though they may just be laughing about a joke someone cracked, I couldn't help but imagine the venomous words they could be spitting about me. I gulped, looking down at my desk, focusing my eyes on the messy doodles and rude remarks written on the table, yet I just couldn't calm down. I felt the sweat dripping on my skin, I wiped my head quickly, before chewing gently on my fingernails. Everything that happened to me was so sudden, but the atmosphere was slow and almost like time has just stopped altogether. My breath being harder to catch by the second. Time passed by, slower by the second. Each minute felt like an hour. It felt like I'd been trapped in a cage without access to oxygen, unable to yell or scream for help. Or like I was trapped underwater, unable to breathe yet still able to look upon the faces of the people amongst me. Drowning. Trapped. I stand up suddenly, pushing my chair back and making a loud noise from it scrapping against the floor. All the faces in the classroom stared at me, many confused but most laughing at this moment. I take one look at them all, tears swelling up in my eyes as my heart dropped. My chest tight, my breath still hard to reach. I throw my bag over my shoulder, running out the room hurriedly. I first began speed walking but as more tears rolled down my rosy cheeks, staining them, I began running down the corridor until I was outside. I kept running, still unable to breathe. My hands pushed against my chest, not wiping any tears, just letting them fall and fly in the wind. The cold air outside stung my face, yet I kept running through it. I didn't even know where I was headed, I knew I just needed to get out. I needed to escape. My strides became slower as I ran out of energy. I was soon far away, leaning against the wall near me. Sliding down against it, my head raised up to the skies, gasping for air as I continued to sob. I was alone but the pressure of many observing my state didn't seem to fade. I was alone but I felt cornered.

I still consider that one of the worst days of my life. Everytime I look back I feel my heart ache and my stomach turn. It's a horrible memory I wish I could erase from my mind, aswell as others who witnessed it.
Well, hello. I'm Connor, my friends call me Conny. Sixteen years of age. Here's my story.

[ HELLO! Too forward? Okay, whatever!
I'm Lukas, nice to meet ya.
I am 100% aware my writing skills are AWFUL but I love writing! It's a great distraction, I often use it to vent. It personally helps me a lot. I hope you all enjoy, please leave feedback.
Lots of love - Space dad™ / Lukas♥️ ]

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