I'm Bunking With Four Boys for the Summer?! Help me God!

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~Alli's P.O.V.~

'Ugh. I hate alarms sooo much. Especially when they're a dog jumping on your stomach.' I thought as I awoke with the big brown eyes of my dog, Freckles, starring into mine. It was the last day I was spending in the hellhole I call my home. Don't get me wrong, I love my house, I just don't enjoy the company of the person who lives in it with me. My mother.

She's a total bitch because she doesn't let me do anything, she's extremely overprotective, and she gets mad at me for the tiniest things. I think one of the reasons she doesn't understand that I need to make my own mistakes and do stuff on my own is because she had me at an older age than most people did. She had me when she was 41, about to turn 42, so it's been awhile since she was my age.

The reason I say it was my last day here is because that day I was going to my dad's house for the summer because my mom was going to start working on a big project in Seattle in a few days. (She's a civil engineer and apparently there's an issue with some important sewer and my mom is special enough to go help design the new one or something.) My dad doesn't live too far away, but it seems like a whole different country sometimes since nobody knows where Elmore, Ohio is. I've even seen a t-shirt that said "where the hell is Elmore?" I'm totally serious! Stop laughing and saying I made it up! {[I'm really not kidding. It might have said where in the world is Elmore, but it has the same effect/meaning]}

I hopped off my bed and took a quick shower then got dressed in short jean shorts with rips in them and a snug-fitting purple tank top with an orange design all over it. As I was lugging the duffle bag with the clothes that weren't already in Elmore down the steps, my phone went off, signaling a new text message. I looked at it and saw it was from my friend Haley.

Haley: im gonna miss u soo much chicky!

Me: ill miss u too sweetie, but we can always txt and i might be able to convince my dad to take me to visit u or sumthin.

Haley: i no, but im gonna miss u anyway

Me: well i gtg get the car packed up and say bye to mi mommy and stuff. rawr <3

Haley: ok hve fun w/ tht. rawr2. {[rawr means I love you in dinosaur if you're unaware]}

I dropped my duffle into the back of my dad's truck and hugged and kissed my mom goodbye (she doesn't know I hate her so I have to keep up the act of "the loving daughter."). As we were driving along, the uneven road masked itself as rocking and lulled me to sleep.


I awoke slowly as the car came to a stop....in front of a familiar house, but not my dad's. I turned to him with a questioning look.

"Why are we at the Robinsons' house? Shouldn't we go home first to at least drop off my duffle?" I asked, confused.

"There's something that's come up Alli." He started to explain. It turns out my step-mom won a summer adventure in Europe for two and I'm staying with their friends, the Robinsons for the summer!

"Why didn't you tell mom? I could have just stayed at a family member's house instead of with four teenage boys and their mother!" Not kidding, the oldest, John, is 19 or 20 I think then the next oldest, Mike, is 16 (a year older than me) then Robert is 14 and Nick is 13. This is crazy! They're teenagers raging with hormones and hormonal friends no doubt! I'm going to get raped!

"I didn't want your mother to freak out trying to find you somewhere else to stay and she already thinks I'm irresponsible and don't take good care of you so I asked Mary if you could use one of their rooms. You're like a sister to these boys Alli, they won't try anything. I promise." He tried to reassure me.

"Dad, they're teenage boys. I've seen them all looking at my ass or down my shirt at least once each." I was skeptical to say the least, but my dad convinced me since I didn't want him missing out on his schmancy European adventure with his bitchy wife.

We walked up to the house and rang the doorbell. When Mary answered the door, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I might not want to spend the summer here, but that doesn't mean don't love this family. Mike and Robert rushed up and both tried to grab my duffle. I hugged my dad and he left. As the boys were fighting over my bag, the flimsy fabric ripped, spewing my clothes all over the living room floor. And when I say clothes I mean ALL of them, bras and underwear included.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Alli!" Mike said first. "Here, let me help you with this." He said kneeling down and starting to reach for the clothes strewn across the floor.

"No, no, no! It's fine! I got it, I can pick it up myself!" I said, kneeling down next to him and pushing him away. His hand had been about two inches from one of my bras!

Once he realized what he had been about to do, his face turned deep red in embarrassment. "Oh...I...um....uh...sorry...heh...I didn't mean to...um...yeah..." He stood up and took a few steps away from me and the mess. While this awkward exchange had been going on, Mike's three other brothers had congregated in the doorway and were laughing their asses off, obviously enjoying this way more than Mike and I.

Mary pushed her way through the cluster of guys with a trash bag in hand. She handed to me saying, "you can put your clothes in this for now, until you can unpack them and organize your clothes how you want them."

"Thank you Mary, but you just missed a spectacular show of wonderful embarrassment for me and your son, Michael. Apparently, it was quite amusing to watch, I can't exactly say the same for experiencing it though." I said glaring at John, Robert, and Nick.

"Yes, it was quite amusing indeed, mother. I'm sorry you missed it." Robert said, matching my mocking tone of outdated English over a fit of giggles.

I gathered up my clothes with help from Mary and lugged them upstairs. I dropped them in the room she said I would be using this summer and flopped on the bed, groaning. "What a great example of what I'll be enduring this summer" I sighed.


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For those of you who know me; yes, this is somewhat modeled after my life, but not really. The characters just have the same personalities as some of my friends.

I'm Bunking With Four Boys for the summer?! Help Me God!Where stories live. Discover now