My best friend Andy Biersack

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I remember sitting there with tears rolling down my face. My hand bleeding from the glass when he came over.

"Miss are you ok?" he asked touching my shoulder.I turn around to shake my head yes and go back to holding my hand which was bleeding and had dry blood. "Miss." He sits in front of me and takes my hand. He checks it out and notices there is glass sticking out of my hand. "What is a pretty girl doing out here by herself anyway" He asks as he took out a knife and starts to dig out the glass. My hand was pretty much numb from the pain so as he dug it didn't hurt. After a few minutes of him digging in my hand he was almost done. "So what's your name?" he asks.

"What's yours" i whispered.

"I'm andy...." he said. i shook my head. "Can i ask what happened to your hand?"

"Fight" i whisper.He was checking me out all over. He wanted to make sure i was ok. 

"oh...."I shake me head. "Do you need somewhere to sleep tonight?" i shook my  head yes. "Ok well i live right there."

he led me to his house which as right around the corner. We walked in the front door. We got a towel to wrap my hand in. He wrapped it up after he cleaned it. I was quiet. I didn't know him. He was some weird guy.

"Andy?" I said. He looked at me. "thank you" I said looking at the ground and playing with the towel.

"your welcome babydoll" he smiled. He had left for a fed minutes but came back with a few blankets. "I figured maybe you could sleep in my bed and I could sleep out here" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"no. I can take the floor"

"babydoll no."

" Andy the only way I will take the bed is if you are there too" I raised my voice a little I didn't mean anything sexual. I meant like cuddling or snuggling.

"like cuddling" he sneered

"yea" I whispered.

"ok" he picked me up in a bridal hold and carried me up to his room. He laid me down on the bed. I got comfortable and felt him climb in. "how's your hand?"

"it's stopped bleeding." I said

He moved over to his side and put his arm over my waist. "I'm cold" I said trying to move closer to him.

"ok come here" he laid on his back and I had put my head on his chest. I was listening to his strong steady heartbeat. That was lullaby to forget about what happened a couple hours earlier.

My best friend Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now