Player's Met His Match [BoyxBoy]

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Chapter One -

          When I was younger, mothers were always telling my mom that I'd be getting all the girls when I grew up. Who would have thought they'd be right? Third grade was when I got my first girlfriend. Neither of us knew what to do. Basically, we were just really close friends that liked each other. Sixth grade I had my first kiss. Her name was Susie Marks, prettiest blond you've ever seen. I was probably the luckiest guy at McKenzie Elementary. When middle school came along, that's when I picked up my habits. There was an eighth grader that all the girls talked about. It was always "Danny this" and "Danny that." He took Susie away from me. As my way of revenge, I befriended him. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right? Only, it didn't work out how I had planned.

           Danny had this way about him that made all the girls swoon. Maybe it was his hazel gray eyes, or his voice, which was deeper than most boys his age. Whatever it was, girls flocked to him like bugs to a light. He called himself a player. His game, dating. His goal was to date more girls than any guy at the school. He asked me if I'd play along. Being the stupid seventh grader that I was, I agreed. At first, it was only to gain his trust. To get closer and learn ways to destroy him. After getting to know him better, and learning the skills he was teaching me, I felt as if I too was swooning. It was weird how he could have that effect on anyone. I suddenly wanted him to like me and wanted to be his actual friend. I even tried my hardest at the game so that he would praise me. Felt like a dog, really.

          By the end of the year, Danny and I could be found everywhere together. Double dates, hanging out, or picking up girls was our main focus. I felt as if he had spread his disease onto me and I couldn't get rid of it. The more absorbed I got, the more I liked it. When he went on to high school, he left me in his place to carry on the title. I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. Girls were lining up like I was some kind of famous person. I have to admit, it felt great. Every week I had three different dates with different girls. The whole time, in the back of my head, I kept telling myself Danny would be proud.

         When high school came around, I felt like a king. Word had spread that I was the new hot piece of meat. I didn't protest. Upperclassman were even trying to get at me. I guess now is a good time as any to say I lost my virginity my first year of high school. A young age, yes I know, but could you blame a guy? Imagine a girl, wearing the shortest of shorts and a tank top that showed off cleavage, walking up to you and giving you her number. Now imagine yourself calling her and being invited over that same day. I did not protest at all. I felt on top of the world and like no one could bring me down. The whole time, Danny was always at the back of my mind giving me pointers on what to do next.

          Now I'm a senior and life has been easy. I could get any girl I wanted since my skills smoothed out and I got the grasp of it. I played football for two years, but I quit when the guys on the team got mad at me for stealing their girls. It's not like I was going to tell them no, that would just be cruel. In all my years of high school so far, I've made a lot of enemies. All of them are mostly male, and others are the girls I dated at the same time. I repeat, who could blame me? I'm a teenage guy, I have hormones that need to be taken care of. If you have a problem with it, you can file your complaint in my imaginary box of the fucks I give.

          So yeah, things were great, awesome even. But that was all before a certain someone moved into town and changed my life. Doesn't that sound so cliche? Doesn't it sound like something from a movie? I know it may sound fake or whatever, but it's true. I was never the same.


         Three months into school you'd think things were getting easier. People were used to their new routines on how to get to class on time, where to go during lunch, fastest ways to get to the bathrooms. I on the other hand, was just as busy as usual. Instead of having an agenda full of homework assignments, it was full of future dates. My current one, a lunch date with a freshman named Denise, was going slow. Incredibly slow.

Player's Met His Match [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now