We are a Family now

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"Zoey, I love you." Said the Endermage. Zoey smiled at him, and tidied up her laboratory some more.

"I know Rythian. But, we need to both actually do stuff if you want Blackrock Stronghold back to it's former glory darling, nothing you say is gonna get you out of this." She said, and Rythian groaned.

"What if something blows up just by me touching it... There's nuclear radiation everywhere."

"Oh just stop worrying already and help me out here, Mr Enderborn." Zoey laughed, snapping two wires back into place. Rythian sighed and started dusting off old machinery and re-organising things. He did quite wanted to get back to his magic (Thaumanacium? Thauma- what?) but then again, if Zoey needed his help he was more than happy to comply. He swore never to leave her alone again, not since the nukes. And so, he grinned playfully, and while cleaning up he pecked her on the cheek, and said

"Yes, Mrs Enderborn."


"No- Hunter seriously there's no system to whatever you do- argh..."

"Chillax dad. I got this!" Rythian facepalmed internally, watching the teenage fly around with a jet pack, plonking blocks randomly everywhere. Tin blocks looked great for a lab though...

"Oh let the kid have his fun Rythian. After all, Violet nags at him enough already." Zoey smiled, carrying their third child. Cripes they had a lot of kids. Rythian sighed.

"He takes after you."

"And Violet takes after you." Zoey commented, as their older daughter ran shouting at Hunter, something about leaving gaps all over the place and began filling up the holes again. He laughed. His son had decided to pursue science, like his mother had. But his daughter seemed to waver between the two, and now specialises in magic. But she was just as proficient in science, of which Rythian was proud of.

"This house is gonna have to be expanded one of these days. Tee's room space is shrinking."

"Don't forget Paul, John, Ringo, Johnny Iron, Red five, and the mooshrooms." Zoey listed, grinning. He rolled his eyes. Zoey has always spoilt the children right as much as she loved her friends. The family just wouldn't stop growing, not that he was complaining. Much.

"Come on Violet lemme do my thing-"

"Your thing is unorganised now let me-"

"Okay kids my turn..." Rythian announced, stepping (teleporting) between them. Hunter sighed and stepped aside. Violet went back to the magic room. And Rythian started filling up the holes... While flying with the flying ring.

"Dad. You're not any more systematic than I am."

"Doesn't matter. It's fun."


"Actually I agree."

"Damn it." The couple laughed, as Zoey went off to put baby Winona to sleep. Two girls. Boy is Hunter in trouble.

They were a family now. Just one big happy family. And it made Rythian feel happy. Hunter looked at Rythian with a questioning look, with that one bright blonde streak shining through his brown hair. Of all children, only Hunter inherited his hair color. And eyes. He realised that seeing a little bit of himself arguing with Violet - Who actually looked almost identical to Zoey - Was like travelling back in time, once again. He glanced at Zoey, and looked at that mechanical arm. He could still see her, lying still, floating in that river. She who meant most...

"Rythian?" Zoey asked, concern evident in her voice. Rythian shook himself.

"I'm fine. So. That's the floor done?"

"Totally." Hunter grinned, runninf around.

"Have fun setting up your science stuff, your mother would be able to help more than I can."





"DAD! Oh c'mon..." Hunter sighed. He never got why his father left whenever he wanted to anything science - related, or anything to do with explosives or computers. His dad seemed paranoid all the time, whenever he was testing his explosives in a Obsidian chamber, he was always standing nearby, making sure nothing happened. It was slightly irritating, but he he took it with a pinch of salt. His mother however, didn't seem to notice. She patted him on the shoulder with that weird robot - cyborg arm she had. He wondered why she even had it.

"Don't worry. Rythian he- I mean, he doesn't actually like science. I mean, Blackrock didn't use to be like this. It was larger, more glorious. Your father was a master at Alchemy, do you know?" Zoey said, and Hunter looked geniunely surprised.

"Alchemy? But Alchemy has been dead for years. There's only one known mage who knows his way around a Philosopher's Stone and flying rings- wait... Dad has a flying ring..." He mused, and Zoey nodded.

"He is still the master of Alchemy. But he doesn't like science. Or that, he didn't use to. There was a time where he wanted to combine both arts, but something happened and I don't know if he'd ever want to. I've been trying to convince him for years." She said, and Hunter noticed that she had been fidgeting with her cyborg arm. Zoey sighed.

"Hunter, I'm going to tell you a story. A story about magic, science and monsters, a boy and a girl."

A/N Well that was fun! This is just a non-serious mini-story. YAY


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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