Chapter 1

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      Gossip and trendy dances are the only thing people talk about anymore. Conversations that actually benefit you and increase your intelligence are almost non existent for my generation. The only things that matter are the things that's trending. It's rather hard for me to process how even the most intelligent kids I know want to talk about only trends. And that's just one of the reasons I don't like people.
         "Rebeca,"a voice said in a very aggravated tone. It snapped me out of my deep thought. I looked up and it was my teacher, Mrs. Anna."Will you ever start paying attention in my class!? It can possibly determine if you shall live through the world's current circumstances."
     "So learning about Algebra 1 will help us stop the end of the world? Cool," I say in a snarky way with a smirk on my face. I am smart and she knows it. I just don't respect her and I am not nice to people who I don't respect.
       She opened her mouth to speak but the broken bell in the torn down hall had let out its sound. Mrs. Anna glares at me as I pack my stuff together and head out the exit. I usually win these little moments of conflict and I highly enjoy it.
       The school day is rather short compared to before all this craziness started. One grade level goes to a class,then lunch, and then they go home. In a result of this, school does not give you much knowledge. To be very intelligent, you would haft to study on your own or just naturally be a genius.
         I walked pass the cafeteria and started the long walk home. It's rare that I eat lunch. However, I usually just sit at a table with my head in a book. But yesterday,last week, and last year are not today.
        After 30 minutes, I finally arrived at my tree house. No one lives on the ground anymore. It's too dangerous. Cops, killers, animals,weather, and gangs are what make it dangerous.
       I climb the stairs to my tree house and open the door to level one of my tree house. I look through the first level of my tree house,which is only clothes and showers. Finally, I reach my fancy closet. The closet I only save for special occasions. I picked out red crop top and my jeans with the least amount of holes. Mom said that was a trend when she was my age but I find that hard to believe. Who would want to wear jeans with holes?
        After a little more digging and switching out of clothes, I decide to wear a red crop top with jean shorts and a leather jacket with my black converse. I grab my backpack and hea out the door with my earbuds in humming to, "The Sound of Silence".
"Hey! Want to come see my new crystal? It's pretty legit. I wonder how much I can seep this for,"said a voice in the distance. That voice was Lemendric. He is such an idiot. Always trying to sell stuff to people who doesn't want it. I speed up to avoid him. I cannot be late. Not to this meeting. It can cost me my life.
Lemendric also sped up and my heartbeat increased. Why can't he just sell stuff somewhere else. Two could play at that game. I ran as fast as I could and made several twist and turns heading towards my destination. After 10 minutes, he gave up and I reached my destination. As I enter through the door, a huge pain fills my head and then everything is black.The last thing I saw a man smoking and the smoke that left his mouth was colorful,different, an d poisonous.

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