Lost memories

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Chapter one, lost memories.
Dried leaves cracked underfoot as I traipsed through the dense trees. Leaves scattered the grounds with their dying vessels, avoiding stepping on them was near impossible. I recognized nothing of the areas I ventured, remembering things lately was a challenge considering I only just woke up in the hospital merely hours early, not one clue of who I was nor my past either. The doctor said I had been in a car accident, that explains the bruises on my head and arms. I have stitches along my side, ranging between my hip and ribs on my right side. Awakening from my slumber in the hospital bed, I tried to stand up and quickly realized I was strapped to the bed, luckily it was only Velcro so it was simple to unstrap and stand up to explore the emergency room. On a chair across the room, there sat a pair of pants, a shirt, one shoe, and a torn teddy bear. Approaching closer I quickly realized there was something peeking out of the back of the jeans pocket, reaching over I pulled the wallet from the pants and opened it. In the wallet there was a drivers license inside of it with a picture of a woman, her name on the photo ID was Amaryllis Monroe, middle initial R. Right then abruptly the doctor crossed the threshold. "I see you're up miss, how are you feeling?" He said as he assisted me back to the bed. I sat down and noticed the needle he was carrying, a long vile with a serum of some sort. "I'm doing fine" I lied, in truth my body ached and I had no clue of what was going on or what I was doing, heck I wasn't even completely sure of who I was, something which in reality you never truly appreciate the gift of the remembering mind till you can't remember anymore. "That stuff you see over there miss is all that could be recovered from the accident sight of your personal items. Do you have a daughter or son? There was that small stuffed bear found in the car as we were pulling you from the wreckage." I sat there, contemplating in deep thought, did I have a child? Probably a young one from the looks of the toy. Frustrated in my current state I vigorously shook my head then shrugged my shoulders. "I don't remember" I said in a melancholy tone of voice. "I can't recall a thing".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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