Little One

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We can see our reflection by see our child grow up

22 September 2011


Seeing sunrise with view of you sleeping beside me is the most beautiful thing in this whole world

Kmu terbangun karna silaunya sinar  matahari yg menerpa matamu menembus dri jendela

"Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday Happy birthday~ Happy birthday my love~"

Kmu mendudukan tubuhmu seraya tersenyum ngeliat daniel yg datang dri luar kamar kalian dengan ngebawa cheesecake dengan lilin berbentuk angka 23 kearahmu

"By kmu gk kerja?" Tanyamu karna hari ini hari kamis

"That's the first thing you say in your birthday??" Katanya dengan raut kecewa mengahmpirimu dan duduk di pinggir tubuhmu

"Ooo, no i just asking ok?, by the way thank you so much, i love it" katamu sambil mengecup lembut bibirnya

"Hmmm, tadi aku udh izin ke pak minhyun buat masuk siang, lagian dia udh apal klo setiap hari ultah kmu aku pasti izin, dan dia selalu ngerti" katanya tersenyum bangga

"Untung atasan kmu temen, coba klo bukan, dipecat mungkin kmu"

"Heheh, i think I'm lucky?, by the way tiup lilinnya dan jangan lupa make a wish" katanya

Kmu merem membuat permohonan, lalu membuka mata sambil meniup dua lilin nya

"Happy birthday by, thanks for always understanding me, and choose not to leave me back then, and thanks for loving me until now, and i love you" katanya mencium bibirmu lembut

"I love you too by, of course wouldn't leave you just because a guy like hyunbin hehe" kalian terkekeh bersama

"By the way, what did you wish?"

"I wish that i can make you more happy with a baby presence" raut wajahmu berubah menjadi raut bersalah

karna meski tau klo kmu gk bisa hamil daniel tetep setia dan sama sekali nggak kepikiran buat ninggalin kmu

Daniel dengan sigap menaruh kuenya di nakas lalu memelukmu erat

"Hey hey... it's okay, I'm happy with the presence of you, you are my everything, and that's more than enough for me"

"Thanks for understanding me, and thanks for loving me until now, i love you"

The greatest thing of love is, you can make the world seem beautiful even when it's actually broken

Memories 📜 Kang DanielTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang