Part one "Torture

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I thought it was just going to be a fun night with my friends but you know...silly me. Little did I know the next morning I would wake up in a small space I didn't recognize . My head was throbbing but it wasn't a hangover. I felt so weak, but I tried that was my first mistake, Trying. I tried to break the door that I could only assume was the exit. I rammed  into it a few times with the side of my body. Wouldn't budge. I would say it was about the 5th time I would've had a chance to break something on the door but before I could get to it, it flung open and I fell to the floor..

I woke up a few hours later someone must've knocked me out once... again. Great. You must've been wondering why I didn't bother screaming, that is because what is the point why would someone hide me in a place where
people could hear me, there is no point my throats hurt anyways.

Who could possibly be this screwed up in the mind to kidnap me. I'm just a young adult, a long life ahead of me.. or that's how it's supposed to be but now I kinda second guess that. I mean anyone would to if they where in my situation. I shouted out hello like the dumb blondes in the horror movies not my best choice, I got no response. The room was dimly lit but I  still couldn't see very much in front of me or the sides of me. I could only turn my head since... well I am
tied to a chair and can't really move.

I can't really freak out anymore or cry anymore tears. My mom died when I was three, my dad left before I was born. Haven't heard from him at all. Sad, right? In all my 23 years of living he couldn't leave a call. My backstory is important because when I'm gone I want the police to find this while they are looking for me and hear this and make sure I'm not forgotten.

Maybe this is just a sick joke. I have been sitting here for about 5 hours. Watching every minute pass. Maybe this is my torture, thinking about all the wrong I have to done asking for forgiveness because if that is torture it's working.  End it all for me already.

March 13, 2014 Stephane Ceaser was found dead in a abandoned office building at 11:52 PM
The cause of death will NOT be released to the public at the moment please wait for future information about the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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