do all dragons breath fire?

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As the dew of morning slowly slid off the freshly grown leaves of spring, an egg, which lay in the middle of a vast jungle, began to shake. First a shake, then it began to amplify, the casual, calm shakes soon caused the egg to fall. The first crack, the beginning of a new life.

A pair of yellow, amber like eyes peered through the crack, curious about everything it slowly started to stretch its puny claw, gently pushing against the brittle egg shell, and before soon, it opened. Revealing the curious little fellow, who had just awoken from his first early slumber.

The hatchling: Dragons hatch alone, they are not brooding creatures. This is possible because of the high degree autonomy of newly hatched dragons. Unlike human babies, hatchling dragons can fend for themselves. While their wings are still vestigial, they can chase down and consume food without assistance, and are capable of defending themselves against predators.

-X. R. Quillam, magus.

An energetic little one, walked out into the world and stretched its sleepy bones, broad eyes taking in all kinds of colors around him. Took a few more steps, then a deep breath, sneezed as he has not yet adapted to this interesting yet strange world. It wasn't long until a new discomforting feeling hit it, hunger. The hatchling looked around; observing his surroundings, then an odd herb caught his eye. It was the brightest green, slowly; the dragon began to shuffle towards it. Now looking down upon it, the little one gave it a short sniff then slowly closed its jaws around it, and began to chew. It didn't understand it, or why but it liked the feeling, and soon swallowed. Then suddenly a strange sensation crossed it. The curious yet a little frightened fellow looked down, his color has changed, he was no longer an almost transparent black, rather now, it appeared was green.

Coloration: A dragon's scale can take on almost any color in the rainbow, contrary to popular folklore; the color of the dragon has little to do with its temperment or abilities. The coloring of a dragon's scales depends entirely on the food it eats when it is still a hatchling. It is unclear what causes a dragon to prefer one food over another; it may simply be a matter of personal preference.

-X. R. Quillam, magus.

Surprised, frightened, but this was very exhilarating. Excited the curious little one shuffled around eating what he could, his color slowly shifted with everything it ate. This made this hatchling very energetic and wanted to eat almost everything it could find, and slowly it began to walk, then soon run, eating everything in its way, plants, birds, insects. Its scales began to develop and change, the more it devoured the more it could do, and soon it began to stretch its wings and began to flap about a little, though not much it allowed him to explore more exciting areas, jumping over logs and big rocks. The little one thought his fun could last forever, when suddenly his body became heavy and a cage came over it, it was impossible to escape. Frightened, it stood still staring at the tall figure who was now standing over him. The figure slowly knelt down to its level.

"Welcome to my home little one" he said with a broad smile as he picked up the cold metal trap and walked away with the little frightened creature.

Capturing a dragon: when still a hatchling; a dragon can be captured with relative ease using cleverness or magic. The benefits of a captive dragon are many; as magical creatures even their dropping are useful in magical rituals. The ethics of holding captive a sentient creature are, of course, questionable... as is the wisdom of keeping such a creature for too long.

-X. R. Quillam, magus.

It's been years since the poor soul has been trapped in this tower. The man came everyday to feed it, and at odd times take a scale or two. The dragon has now grown up considerably, and has a moderate understanding over the world. Slow its body grew, but also its emotions, it was longing for a mate. Staring out of his cage, wondering if there were others like it. Soon it grew weary and sad. This boring pointless life went on for a while. Until one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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