The End

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As I walk out towards the side of the stage I carefully place my mic back into the box. Sweat drips from my face as I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist, "You did great out there tonight." Jade smiles. I let out a chuckle as we walk down towards our dressing room. "You've said that all tour Jade." I answer. "So?," she says as I watch a smile creep onto her face, "Your notes only get better and better. And that my love deserves a compliment." she finishes, pressing a soft kiss on my cheek.

When we reach the end of the hall we take a turn and entered our dressing room. With a sigh I rush over to the couch. "God, I'm tired."
"But it's the end of tour. And you know what that means?" Jade begins. "Holidays!" I yell.

Shortly after, Jesy and Leigh-Anne enter. Smiles on their faces while they carry multiple bottles of beer,"Get out of your outfits and put on your pajamas. Time to get turnt on the bus ride home!" Jesy yells. "Ugh. But I don't wanna move." I groan. "But it's time to party Pez. Don't be such a party pooper and hurry." Leigh says. "She's right." Jade chirps in. "If you're really that lazy then get Jade to help you." Jesy says as she walks over to her corner and begin to undress. And with no hesitation does Jade saddle me with a smirk on her face, "Ready?"

"To fuck or to get changed?" I ask. "Whatever you want." Jade smirks. I direct my gaze to Leigh-Anne. She rolls her eyes and walks her way to get changed, "Gay ass bitches." she says. "I know I am." I say. "I should probably get off you now... since we technically aren't dating." Jade says. "Or like each other either." I add.

"Either way," Jesy says as she appears in her pajamas, "Both of you are touchy and kissy no matter what." she chuckles. I laugh, "Don't act like we all don't" I say. "She's got a point, Jessica" Jade says as she grabs Jesy's boobs before heading over to change. When Jade disappears we both begin to laugh, "Ok, but I swear did someone slip some shit into her drink at the club or something. She's been wilding all week." She explains. "Not only that. But she's been really really gayish." I say.


When my alarm goes off I feel my bead begin to pound. Last night might have been a mistake. But it's not the end of tour if we don't drink to celebrate. I have to admit though, we kinda went over the top with the drinks...
I roll over to the cold side of the bed, the sun peaking through the curtains as I stare at my luggage by the door. The tours so far this year had been phenomenal. But boy do I need time off from working. Suddenly I hear a loud bang. I jump up in shock with my heart racing. Out of nowhere comes Jade into my room followed by the other two. "Wakey wakey." Jesy sings as the three of them jump onto my bed.

"My head hurts....." I groan. "It's not my fault you drank all those bottles." Leigh mentions. "True." I answer. "Come on," Jade starts. "It's time to fly across the world. You've wanted this your whole life and now you're getting it thanks to your hard work." She smiles. "Now get changed before I do it for you." She finishes. "Well you two help each other out," Jesy begins. "Me and Leigh are gonna visit the store real quick." I nod and watched the two leave my room, closing the door behind them.

"Hey, Jade..." I say as I watched the brunette pace around my room, "I've had this thought."
Jade faces me with a smile, "What's that babe?" She asks. "We've been acting... I - I actually don't know how to say this..." I say slowly.
She walks over to the side of my bed and looks at me warmly, "Like we're a couple?" She says. I nod. "I mean you don't mind it right?" I shake my head in response, "It's fine and all. But what if we fall in love?" I ask, looking down to the floor, avoiding her eyes. "That's never gonna happen," She assures me. "That wouldn't be too good for the both of us. The group even. I mean sure we act a lot like we're dating but it won't hurt if we really aren't right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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