the best mistake of my life

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"Cassandra, time to get out of bed. Its the first monday of the new semester. Your gonna do great!" My mother tels me from the door frame of my room.
I was to tired to move so i just layed there motionless with one of my legs half of the bed and blanket and my hair everywhere with a drool stain on my pillow. Not moving i just groaned at her wanting her to go away.
"Cassandra Adams get out of bed now!" She repeats again with a bolt of anger.
I groan louder and kick my other foot out of bed then stand up. "Thank you" She says in a not-so-serious tone and walks out of sight.
I manage to walk over to my mirror, as soon as i looked in the mirror i swear i saw it crack a little. I looks terriable! My dark brown hair is everywhere i can hardly see my light brown eyes. But when i do i regreat even looking at them. they were blood shot red with dried up tear stains from last night. Last night, that had to have been one of the worst nights of my life, my boyfriend... well ex-boyfriend Atticus cheated on me with janea. That popular, two faced little son of a- "Cassandra breakfast"
My mother yelled from the kitchen. i could already smell it, eggs with hash browns.
"Coming mother." i yell back in a cracky tone. I look back at my self and wipe the tear stains and walk slowly to the kitchen. I walk in and i was right. A plate with two eggs and hash brown with a glass of orange juice. I sit down at the table and see another plate of the same thing and then i see him, my 23 year old brother Ricky,
"oh hey Cassie" He sees me and smiles and waves. I just groan in response and eat my eggs. As soon as i am done i get up and walk to my room leaving my dishes there.
I straighten my hair, put on my make up, put on my while floral 'kiss me kill me' short sleeve T-shirt, light jeans and my gray vans. I grab my back pack and walk to the door
"Mom I'm leaving" I yell not really wanting to leave.
"Okay sweetie have a good day" my mom yells back.

I get to school and just already wanna leave. There he is, Atticus and Janea sucking faces. I just wanna barf right here right now. I really was about to till i saw Abby and Amber, my only two real friends.
Abby saw me and smiled and ran over to me. I was about to cry and she new it, i was still looking at them. why was I still looking? Abby looked at where i was looking and saw them. She starts making the barf noises that make me laugh
"Cassie forget about that jerk, come on me and Amber will help you find someone else" She has a hint of joke in her voice but i knew she wanted to help but it wont work. I cant trust anyone any more, not even my two best friends.
I finally look away but i look at my feet and sigh then look at her.
"Oooh maybe mark! Or john." Abby is looking around and naming every guy she sees.
"Abby" I say softly wanting her to shut up.
"No no no maybe Eric. He used to like you maybe he still does lets go ask him." Abby grabs my wrist and starts to pull me towards Eric and of course at that moment he flips his long brown hair and turns to me and smiles and waves
"Abby i dont think this is-" I said a little bit louder but she still didnt hear.
"He is gonna be perfect! You are gonna forget about Atticus. You are go-" i couldn't take it anymore cant Abby see i wanna be alone now. I had no choice but to yell at her
"ABBY ENOUGH" i screamed and pulled my wrist out of her grip. "Stop trying to get me with a guy cant you see I'm gonna be happy! Just cause you cant get a boyfriend how do you think you can get me one?" The anger was boiling from Atticus i just let it out, all of it on one of my best friend. i didn't mean to yell it that loud, everyone looked at us like we killed someone or something. I actually think i did kill something. Abby just stood there looking at me with sadness, fear, and confusion. The bell rang and everyone left to go to their lockers and then to class but Abby, Amber, and I.
After a few seconds of silence Amber spoke up but to Abby whom is just staring at me also in shock
" Hey Abby lets get to class before we are late." Abby nodded and followed Amber but kept her eyes on me and i kept mine on hers, did i just do that to my best friend. After they were out of sight i went to my locker my self and got ready for the rest of my dad. i can already tell its gonna be a bad day.

Ermmmm yea well if its bad no hate please and if its good then yaay this is my first fan fic that i am happy about so ya ~ashley

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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