The Fire House

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Prologue ~The Princess Baby

The small blonde haired boy was bored. This was the first time he had

been allowed to visit the Palace and he hadn’t wanted to go but his father

had insisted saying it was expected, and a great honour.

With a quivering lip he had mumbled sulkily to his nurse that he wanted to

stay with his friend Ren but nevertheless still allowed her to dress him knowing

he had no choice. Then tightly gripping her hand he followed his parents

to the Palace that dominated Trinestat and into the Grand Entrance with its

white marble floor and magnificent crystal statues staring down at him. He

stopped dead on the threshold, half wondering if he was really allowed to go

in, half wondering too if he would get punished for walking on the gleaming

tiles. As his feet refused to move he let go of his nurse and looked up at the

rows of previous Queens and Magicians twinkling in the light, his eyes wide

and mouth open, and only the deep command of his father calling him to

hurry made him run to catch up, almost stumbling as he looked around him.

His father knew the way, going to the Palace almost every day, and strode

ahead with the assurance of someone who felt at home, a little impatient with

his family trying to keep pace behind him. But Euan was more concerned by

the sight of the many guards with their red plumed helmets and severe stares

than his father’s impatience and hid behind his mother’s skirts. Still, he

couldn’t resist peeking at the Great Hall and its wall of mirrors, where he

blinked uncontrollably as the dazzling white sunlight reflected back from

their silvery glaze into his bright blue eyes.

Now he sat in the dark Sacred Chamber with its strange curved walls rising

up to the high domed ceiling so different to the other rooms. A fire raged

within a golden torch, the life source, shaped liked giant hands capturing the

raging fire within, but despite its fiery heat the room still felt cool. There

were a few other people, Draigon, the First Knight and Ren’s father, sat behind

him. The Magician winked at him but Euan looked away, scared of his

long grey beard and beady eyes. The Queen smiled a little at him from her

golden throne but he thought she seemed sad. Everyone seemed sad and he

didn’t know why. He didn’t even know why he was there. His father had said

something about naming a princess baby but he hadn’t really listened; he

had been playing with his yellow glowing ball, until his father took it away

from him.

Euan didn’t understand that the Naming Ceremony was a time for celebration,

the birth of a prophecy and a child of a Queen. At any other time the

room would have been filled with flowers and musicians playing harmonies

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