On Edge

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It was a regular school day except nothing was regular about that. I went to my first hour except I wasn't there mentally, mentally I was... I was on a boat.... with him....

"Paige! Do you have the homework?" asked Mr. Boss. I wasn't gonna even try to lie so I simply told him I didn't do it. He then questioned why it was not done. I simply said

"I don't care" I expressed not even really having to say it.

 He then looked at me with anger and points his big pointy finger to the door, Now everyone else didn't know this but I knew he wasn't actually mad because he knew this was usual but he had to show discipline so there I was out in the hall trying to figure out what I had just said and done because of course at the moment I had regret. But oh well- RINGGGGGGG!!! Saved by the bell. oh, boy was I glad that class was done. Mr. Boss didn't even come talk to me he just showed me to my next class. Next class was a lot different because this class actually interested me in some way or another. but just to give you an example imagine sitting next to a popular kid, A know it all, A drama queen, And if you will an annoying girl who talks gibberish, You probably can't because it's a FREAK SHOW !. Don't even ask me about the teacher OH BOY! where do I start pink hair, Leprechauns everywhere and a giant snake who slithers around the classroom what else do you need in one day? Just add a big foot and you've got yourself a show !. And don't even try me on my principle He is into the goofiest music, just imagine putting together hippie music and hip-hop like I said FREAK SHOW!. Anyways I get through the day without either falling asleep or you know just constantly using bathroom passes or any time out of a classroom as possible but it doesn't always happen, so I try to just not talk to literally anyone and most of the time I'm Fine. But stay on my GOOD Side if you fail to do so expect the Boston massacre or worse just be prepared that's all I'm gonna say about that. After school, I ride the bus home and usually listen to music if you try to even put a hand on my seat expect to get swatted at just saying. By the time I get home I'm about asleep but I stomp my feet to the front plop a foot down each step and finally the sweet gravel driveway of my wooden BEAUTIFUL house and my AMAZING green grass. I literally have laid in the grass for like 30 minutes on my quiet beautiful street. Now If you haven't noticed it by now I DON'T like noise at all or really to be honest with you everyone who isn't my family. So anyways I walk into my home and just expect my parents to ask questions like "How was you'r day?" , Or maybe "Do you  have any homework?" But instead I walk up to my room, Nothing I walk to my desk and set my bag down... Nothing I walk to shut my door 

"How was your'r day" My mom Yelled from down stairs.

"Good"I yelled back as I thought in my head short and sweet. I then closed the door and tried to figure out what I was trying to do then remembered SLEEP! . I got my sleeping shorts and tank top on then jumped on to my bed grabbed my I-Pod and literally crawled under the covers like a mole and scrolled through my phone then drifted off to sleep.


"Get up"! my younger sister begged and pleaded. "I'm tired of you sleeping all the time".

"Well maybe if you didn't hurt my head so much I wouldn't sleep so much" I said with a snarled and stare. I then practically fell out of my bed and walked tot he'd for opened and yelled down to mom once again. 

"MOM what's for dinner?" I practically screeched. 

"Spaghetti" She yelled back up.Except I was practically down stairs ,There is a bright red sed I keep up stairs and every day instead of walking down the stairs I sled its a lot easier and my stairwell is straight so I don't hit anything!. It would be a much different story if my stair well was curved and twisted(kind of like my brain).

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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