Kenny X Reader - Remembered?

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Dear Lovely Readers:
OK so this is my first ever fan-fiction, please go easy on me. It might be rubbish so I'm sorry, I promise my next one will be better and if you have any advice please comment below. Thanks love you guys!

From Angel!

Reader P.O.V

"Kenny, watch out!" I cried, desperately trying to reach him in time to save his life. I could hear a voice in the back of my mind saying that I wouldn't be able to reach him in time, that it was pointless to stop my first ever crush from venturing into the mysterious world of the after life. I didn't want to believe it and pushed it away but it just kept getting louder and louder.

"You can't reach him in time you know..." it bluntly said. No emotion could be gained from it, it was fully monotone.

"No." I whispered, tears welling up upon the surface of my (e/c) eyes as I saw the uncontrolled vehicle get ever closer to Kenny's orange clad figure.

"Your efforts are pointless," it said again, "obey the commands of your body, it's aching, it wants you to stop..." it continued. Realizing the burning pain in my legs, lungs and especially my heart, I slowly decreased in speed; slightly giving into the voice's advice. My eyes descended to the paved ground below me, my breathing becoming shallow and unbearably painful with every intake due to my throat being so dry.  Even through my pain, I still looked up. My eyes falling upon him, his unaware image giving me the will to keep going, I can do this... I have to do this.
"What are you doing, didn't I tell you it was pointless?" it asked, " you can't save him." it simply stated.

"No." I whispered again, letting the tears stroll down my flushed cheeks, some flying through the passing air behind me, along with my (h/l), (h/c) hair.

"No? You really believe? Ha! Fine, just fine, we'll see how everything turns out then." It was gone, nothing to put me down anymore and I was thankful for that.

Everything was blurry and in slow motion as I experienced the scene. His gaze drifting towards mine, azure blue orbs locking with (e/c) pools, his shimmering with confusion, mine swimming with worry and panic.

"KENNY, WATCH IT!!!" I screamed, our eyes breaking their bond by his head turning to the source of up coming danger.


"KENNY!!!" I wail as his body came into contact with the monstrous car, sending him flying through the air and tumbling across the road as the car also came to a halt, erupting into a bed of flames; the driver and his companion rushing out of it severely burned eventually collapsing into a heap beside the machine. Although, they weren't important, I need to get to Kenny. Rushing over to his injured body, I knelt down and cradled his bleeding head whilst his hood slipped off revealing a slightly thin but greatly sculpted face and messy blonde hair. I thought of how it complemented his brilliant blue eyes perfectly, making me stumble upon the fact that he was never going to show them again, causing me to cry my eyes out. My heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight of him slowly dying in my arms, instantly hating myself for never having the guts to confess my feelings.

"You see? I was right, it's pointless, I warned you. Maybe next time you should listen. Now stop showing your weakness and leave him." Thevoice returned pointing out my mistake but it was also pointless trying to distract me, the one I truly loved was gone and I did nothing to prevent was too late...

"No, please, I love you, come back!" I yelled, hoping that he could hear my helpless plea, " I love you!"

-Time Skip To The Next Day- Brought to you by Cartman's fat arse (Still your P.O.V)

I don't want to wake up, he's gone. Where is my love? Where is my joy, hope and other half? Where is my reason to keep on living?...
No! don't think like that (y/n)! He'd want you to keep living, wouldn't you want to give him something he'd want you to do?... That's right! I guess I'll go visit his parents and see how their doing. I hope their both doing alright, I can't imagine the amount of pain their going through at the loss of their son.

I was about to walk out of the house when my phone suddenly rang, I picked it up seeing Kyle's number and answered it; he might need some cheering up.

"Hello?" I asked weakly.

"Hey (y/n)!" why did he sound so cheerful? "want to come over and play some video games with the guys?" What?! Kenny just died and he wants to do WHAT?!


"Come on, Kenny's here." he teased, I could actually feel him smirking at the other end of the line... WAIT... WHAT?! KENNY?! He...he's alive?

" um, (y/n)? you there?" he asked, bringing me back to reality. 

"I'll be right over!" I hurriedly say, hanging up on him in my haste. 

Kenny...he was the only thing I could think of...He's ALIVE!!!

Slamming the door open, I rushed to the living room, seeing all the guys staring at me; shocked by my entrance. Cartman, on his tubby arse, a controller in hand; Kyle, sitting on the couch looking at me, his eyes slightly widened; Stan, also on the couch, again watching me just like Kyle and... Kenny, staring at me a controller in his gloved hands as well. Tears spilled over my lashes and trailed down my face as I smiled weakly, locking eyes with Kenny, yesterday thinking of how he'd never awaken ever again. I cupped a hand over my mouth as the guys stared intently at me, overly confused with the situation.

"KENNY!!!" I tackled him to the ground, forgetting the others were ever there. I am so happy...he isn't dead!

Kenny's P.O.V

Oof! What's wrong with her? Why is she hugging me?!

What is happening?!

"You're alive!" She cried into my coat, clutching it with shaking hands. Wait!? She...she remembered?...

All my life I dreamed of someone who would remember me dying and, here she is! Did I actually die this time round? 

"Kenny... I love you" she whispered her confession almost inaudible but I heard it! SHE LOVES ME!!! Now I know that I must be in heaven, this is a dream come true!

I smiled warmly at the thought of her loving me and my poor self, back. Cupping her cheek, I felt her stiffen but eventually relax and hold my gloved hand, pressing it against her cheek whilst smiling kindly at me. Her tears of joy-I hope- reflecting the light of the room, making her (e/c) orbs sparkle. She was beautiful, an angel sent from heaven to aid to my constant suffering, I love her so much. She was straddling my lap, my legs stretched behind her,  this position wasn't perverted and we didn't think it was, all that mattered was me and her. I pulled my hood down and leaned in closer, intent on feeling her soft, pure lips against mine and steal her first kiss. Eventually closing the gap between us, I felt a sensation so blissful it was as if I was soaring through the stars. Her taste was so addicting, just like cherries. I loved it! We soon broke out into a full make-out session our tongues battling for dominance. I found my hands roaming her sides as she elevated higher, tilting my head to an angle never breaking the entanglement of conflicting, pink organs, exchanging intoxicating flavors as her soft hands played with my already messed up hair, trailing patterns across my cheeks and exposed neck. However, our moment had to end due to the need of oxygen becoming too great. We were both panting, staring into each others eyes, smiling like goofs and just enjoying each others' presence that is until we heard silent snickering to the side of us. Averting our heads, we saw the smirking faces of the rest of the gang... Oh boy....

" 'Bout time you guys got together." Kyle stated an amused expression played upon his face.

"Whoa Kenny easy there, you don't want to get caught now don't you? Heh." Stan grinned.

" Yeah, Yeah now can we carry on with the game?" asked Cartman looking quite irritated.

We faced one another, our foreheads pressed together as well as our heated bodies and began to laugh.

"I love you too," I confessed " wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked, (y/n) nodding enthusiastically in response to my question as I smirked mischievously.

Reader's P.O.V

I know that look!

"Now, I'm not going to be overly satisfied with just playing games," I blushed bright red at that, oh god please don't tell me he's... "wanna carry on from earlier? In a place with better privacy?" I flushed crimson red, puffs of smoke emanating from my head as I looked at the carpeted floor bellow me. Is it me or is it hot in here? Phew! Oh god! His gorgeous face is looking so perverted, it's so hot I'm melting! God save me now! He grabbed my hand pulling us both up, taking advantage of my dazed state and lead my to his house, his parents were somehow out doing 'stuff'. Perfect for um us then heh (>////<). He laid me on his bed, locked the door and leaned above me. A playful look still dancing across his face, this is going to get intense.

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