Chapter One

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           I don't exactly remember all of the details.  I remember there was a flash of blinding light, then nothing.  All I can recall is waking up and having four legs and tail.  Not exactly what someone would call a "dream come true".

           I found myself in one of the worst places possible for a canine: the city pound.  Where cages were lined up like prison cells with all its furry inmates whining their doggy blues to anyone who even remotely cared to listen.  My inmate was a shabby, poor excuse for a Golden Retriever, one whose spirit had been severely broken or so it seemed.  He lay forlorn in the corner of our tiny cement cell with no intention of moving anytime soon.  I, on the other hand, had things to do.  I used my head to explore my new body.

           To my realization, I discovered with great delight that God placed me in a creature of superior breeding.  I am a Doberman Pinscher; excellent choice.  Standing at twenty-eight inches from floor to head and weighing only eighty-eight pounds, I was solid muscle through and through.

           There was a little mirror over by the checkout counter that just happened to be low enough for me to see myself.  From what I could distinguish with my poor eyesight and the fact that I am indeed colorblind, I was a magnificent quadruped.  I have a long, narrow head with a flat skull containing strong teeth that are set close in a scissors bite.  My eyes are dark and lively, with a rather intelligent expression.  I was rather jealous of how built I was.  Why couldn't I have been this buff when I was a human?  The fur that engulfed my physique was thick, short, hard and tight.  Not to mention sleek and shiny.  The human hair I once possessed had never been that impressive, which proves to me that my wife had never bought me the right conditioner.  One more thing remained for me to do, to test my dominance.  My bark.

            "Ruff!"  It thundered inside that building of wire cages and depressing atmosphere.

            Most of the smaller dogs in the adjacent cages ceased their yapping when they heard me.  My chest swelled with pride at my new voice.  If only my wife could see me now.

             At that moment, as if on cue, my nose picked up a familiar scent.  It was strong in my sensitive nostrils.   A fragrance of lilac flowers; an aroma I knew only too well.  She appeared through the double doors and started gazing at all the dogs she came across.  My tail began to wag as she approached.  Standing on all fours, I could feel this sensation from deep within to start dancing about, so I did.  I felt my stub of a tail wiggle uncontrollably from my behind and it caused a chain reaction through me.  It felt like my body was a having a seizure, except I was standing up.  At last, she stood in front of my cage.  Even though I now had four legs instead of two, just the sight of her caused me to sit down.

           "Oh, aren't you a beautiful dog?"  She cooed to me, timidly placing her hand up to the cage.

          I eagerly stuck my snout up to the bars of the cage, licking her hand.

          "Take me home with you!  Please, baby, it's me!  Don't leave me here!"  I pleaded to her as I soaked her palm with my wet kisses.

          "Well now, you're such a sweet thing.  I'm just gonna have to take you home with me.  Such a pretty puppy shouldn't stay in such an ugly environment."  Her eyes were a deep, intense brown.  I knew they were brown because I remember seeing them through human eyes.  But I didn't recall as to how truly beautiful they actually were until just then.  She started scratching me behind one of my ears.

          "Yes!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank...hey, that feels kind of good.  Do that some more...there, that's the spot."  My hind leg began to twitch and I panted happily.

            After purchasing me, she snapped on my leash and we headed outside.  I trotted obediently by her side.  What a relief to be out in the open, fresh air, not condemned to rot away in that dank, dismal place.  Opening the passenger side door, she moved aside, allowing me entrance.  Jumping in, I sat my butt down on the soft, plushy seat.  A thought suddenly struck me.   I finally get to see what the fuss is all about!   

           As the car pulled out of the parking lot, I excitedly awaited my chance.  She seemed to guess my desire; rolling down the window.  Immediately, my head popped out the window, experiencing true joy for the first time in my life.  The wind raced past me; flying up my nostrils, flapping my ears and making my eyes water slightly.  Countless smells entered my nose simultaneously, while vast amounts of sounds thundered in my eardrums.  This was the best thing ever!  I will never ever get tired of this!

           My "wife" giggled quietly beside me, as she kept shooting me sideways glances as she drove.  Her eyes sparkled when the sunlight hit them just right.  With my eyes, she looked like an old black-and-white film actress come to life.  Even from a canine's perspective, she was beautiful.

            Everything was perfect.  My new life.  Being with her again.  This moment.  As long as I remained by her side, nothing could change how happy I had become.  That is, until we arrived home.

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