Flawless Art

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Author's Notes: Hi, everyone! This is my first Wreck-It Ralph fanfiction posted on Wattpad. Also, I drew the cover to this story and the cover's my first drawing I've ever posted. I took a big step this weekend. Heh, heh. Anyway, I've been drawing ever since I can remember and I believe I'm pretty good at what I do. So I thought one day when I had Wreck-It Ralph on my mind, 'What if Tamora could draw really well and she just keeps her talent to herself?' So here's a fanfiction about it. Hope you like it!

(I do not own Wreck-It Ralph. Disney does.)

        Felix seats himself in one of the seats on the subway train to Hero's Duty. His feet don't touch the floor because all the soldiers in Hero's Duty are tall and he's shorter than the average adult. So Felix just lets his legs dangle as he sits back during the ride to his girlfriend's game. The doors to the subway hiss as they open when it arrives at the station and Felix hops out. A faint echo from his work boots hitting the floor as he walks across the subway station can be heard. Felix makes his way to Tamora's office, not too far from the station. He assumes Tamora's filling out paper work about the condition of her game if she's finished patrolling the battlefield for any Cy-Bugs that resisted the beacon. Felix arrives in front of an office door with the words, 'Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun' across the front. Every time he reads her name on the door, he wonders what it would be like if he could change her last name.

       "Sergeant Tamora Jean Fix-It," he says to himself. He loves the sound of it. But still, he thinks he should wait a little longer before he makes it official with a diamond ring. He knocks on the door. No one answers. He knocks slightly louder. No response.

       "Working over time again, huh, Tammy," Felix sighs. The door's unlocked, so he invites himself inside the office. It's a cozy work space. Some main features include a desk in the corner with papers scattered all over the top, a few chairs on the other side of the room, and a small round table with a leafy green potted plant on it that Felix brought in for Tamora to give the office some color. After all, the room does seem a little dull and lifeless without a plant of some sort. Felix sits down in the chair closest to the plant. With a gloved hand he strokes a leaf while counting the tiny veins on it. He glances up at the clock.

       8:56 pm it reads. Felix fixes his posture in the chair. He waits a few minutes. Tamora should be back any moment now. It doesn't take Felix long until he gets thoroughly bored, so he stands up and walks over to the desk. He sits down in a comfier black leather swivel chair behind the desk. If he knew how the papers should be categorized, he would be sorting them for his girlfriend right now. Instead, for the fun of it, Felix whips out a pen from the pencil holder and peels off a sticky note from a yellow post-it stack. He writes, 'Fix-It Felix Jr was here' with a smiley face after the message. He clicks the pen so the tip goes back in and he puts the writing utensil back where he got it.

        "Now where to stick this..." Felix ponders. He opens a drawer to stick the note in there when something in the drawer catches his eye. Without looking away from the item in the drawer Felix sticks the note on the desk. He reaches in the drawer and pulls out a sketch book. He hesitates to look inside it because he doesn't want to be browsing through Tamora's personal belongings. After a second or two he opens the book. The first page has a pencil-sketched drawing of the 99-story tower in Hero's Duty. It's so accurate and well drawn. The shading is incredible and the countless number of details is jaw-dropping. Felix is awed. It's the best drawing he's ever seen. He turns the page and admires a sketch of the subway station in this game-accurate and flawless as well. He turns another page and another, envying every single piece of artwork the book has to offer. Most of the sketches are objects or landscapes in Hero's Duty. Felix even found a drawing of the potted plant in the office. He's stunned. He could never draw this good without attempting to scribble a sketch and hitting the paper with his magic hammer so it actually turns out well. Tamora barges into the office unexpectedly and Felix jumps in his seat, slamming the sketch book shut in his hands. Tamora looks at Felix after closing the door behind her. She spots the sketch book in his arms.

        "What are you doing?" she demands. Felix's face turns red. Fear hits him because he was caught looking through her belongings.

        "I-I was just looking at these drawings, m-ma'am," Felix confesses, stuttering. He notices that Tamora's not mad, so he asks, "Did you draw all this?" Tamora shuffles her feet and shyly nods. Felix gasps out loud. "What?! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me you were so good at art??"

        Tamora walks over to the desk and picks Felix up in her arms effortlessly. She then sits down in her chair and sets Felix in her lap facing her.

        "I don't know, I just draw for myself when I'm stressed or upset. It calms my nerves," she shrugs.

        "I gotta tell ya, you're the best artist I know!" Felix complements. Tamora laughs a bit and thanks him.

        "It's nothing, really," she says. "I need a reference of the object I'm drawing for it to turn out accurate."

        Felix places a soft kiss on the side of Tamora's face and says, "You're extremely talented, and you know that. I mean, wow. You can draw anything!" Tamora smiles and looks at Felix. He's beaming up at her, gazing with his deep blue eyes. It's so adorable. After taking a few seconds to make up her mind she decides to ask Felix something she's been wanting to do for quite some time ever since they started dating.

        "You know," she begins, "there's something I've been wanting to draw for a while, but I never did yet."

        "And what would that be, ma'am?" Felix asks.

        "You," Tamora answers with a smirk on her face. Felix's eyebrows lift.


        Tamora nods, "If you can hold still for a while, do you want to be my model?" The look on Tamora's face easily tells Felix that she really wants to draw him.

        "Sure, I'll do anything for you, Tammy," Felix answers. The reply Felix gave her delights her and she returns the kiss he gave her earlier by giving him a soft peck on the forehead. Tamora stands up after standing Felix on the floor and she pulls out a pack of sketch pencils from the drawer the sketch book was in. Felix hands her the book full of flawless art and she heads for the door. Felix asks, "Wait, can't we just do it here?"

       "I have a better place in mind where the lighting's better so I can get the shading down," Tamora replies. She exits the office and Felix follows her.

Author's Notes: That's all for the first part of this story. Also, I want to apologize that the cover to this story is sort of pixelated. I have no idea why it did that. Now, if you're having such a good time reading this ( or if you have nothing better to do ) prepare yourself for the second half of this story!!

A Sergeant's SketchesWhere stories live. Discover now