The Beginning

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John glances towards the woods where his two sons are waiting as he drops the match into the bowl he prepared for this spell. Almost instantly he feels someone, or something, pop into existence behind him. Taking a deep breath, he turns to face the Pagan he just summoned. "Are you Loki?" John asks, only slightly terrified of the god in front of him.

"The one and only," the man, Loki, answers with a smirk.

As soon as John hears his response, he drops another match onto the ground. This time igniting a binding circle around the Pagan. Loki's eyes flare bright green and gold in anger as he feels his powers being muffled.

"Good," John starts. "You should be able to answer a few questions of mine then."

"Or, I could just incinerate you," Loki responds.

"We both know that won't be happening for a few hours, so until then, talk."

Loki smirks slightly and crosses his arms. "What is it you want to know, mortal?"

John looks mildly surprised at his request being fulfilled but continues on. "I want to know what killed my wife and where I can find it. I want to know how I can kill it."

Loki lifts an eyebrow in question. "That's it? I expected something more like, 'Bow down and serve me.'"

John scowls at him. "Just answer the question Pagan."

"Now I'm going to assume you are one of those annoying Hunters since you knew how to summon me, so I'm going to also assume you know that nothing in the Supernatural world is free."

"What is it you want?" he asks, trying to get the most information he can before giving up his son.

"Oh anything will do as long as it equates the value of this information and what I will have to do to prevent others from finding out I told a puny mortal."

John lets out a sigh and says, "I am willing to give you my son for whatever you have to say."

Both eyebrows shoot up this time. "It's been a long time since anyone has offered a good old' human sacrifice. Okay Hunter, I accept your deal. Your son for my information, but two conditions are you will never see your son again and he will be mine to do as I wish. Do you accept?" Loki says.

John nods and says, "Yes, I accept. Now get talking. Who or what killed my wife? Where and how can I kill it?" As soon as he says the words 'I accept' he feels the Pagan magic binding to him.

"The thing as you said, is called Azazel and he is one of the Princes of Hell. You can kill him with the Colt, built by Samuel Colt himself. As for where you can find him? I can't find him without setting off some major alarms down in Hell, so you will have to do that yourself. Although, if one of the gates of Hell were to be opened at some point, he would likely be the one responsible." Loki looks at John expectantly. "Now I held up my part of the bargain, you hold up yours."

John nods again before he calls out, "Dean, come out here. Bring your brother too."

A few seconds later a small boy comes walking out of the tree-line carrying a small bundle in his arms. He stops next to John and looks at Loki with an inquisitive look. "You have wings," he states.

Loki's mouth drops open in shock as he looks at the two boys. John mistakes his expression for one of surprise. "Dean be quiet," he snaps. To Loki he says, "This is my son Dean. He is the one I promised you."



"No. Not him."

"But he's the one you bargained for."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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