The Girl Who Played With Fire

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I quickly ran home, it was getting dark. It was just a normal Monday evening, well as normal as it gets around here. I hated having to walk home alone in the dark, what lied beneath the unknown darkness scared me. You might just think I'm being paranoid, but trust me, you would be too if you knew what lurked around here after dark in V-Ville. Nobody has it easy. We all live in fear. As I got closer to my house it began to get darker. Was I going to make it? I then came towards the ally. It was narrow, long and dark. I stared at it for several seconds, took a deep breath. Here goes.. I ran into something and flew backwards onto the floor, ouch. I heard some sobs, terrified sobs

"Its okay" I said

"Are you a.." A small meek voice said

"No.. What are you doing out at this time anyway?" I asked

"They came into my house. They came to get me. They took my parents now they're after me" She said

"Run. Run as far as you can and if you can, get out of town and just keep running, they can't leave this town so once you're out of here, you're safe. Its going to be okay, just don't stop running" I said feeling pretty much helpless.

There was nothing I could do, the girl couldn't of been any older than 10, she was small and vulnerable, even if she makes it out of town, where's she going to go after? Just got to hope for the best for her.

I finally got home, panting hard, I chucked myself on the sofa.

"Everything on Lexy?" Mum asked

"Yes. Of course." I said sarcastically

"I know its not great here but its our home. You'll get used to it, you've been living here all your life!" Said mum sighing

"Yeah, forgot it easy to get used to the fact that this place is full of va- blood suckers." I said rolling my eyes "Once I'm old enough I'm out of this place"

My mum just rolled her eyes and walked out the room. I decided to go upstairs and do my homework. Fortunatley I only had maths homework, so I'd have time to play guitar for a bit. After I finally finished my homework I picked up my guitar, tuned it and played a few tunes. Music takes it all away. All the horrible memories that are constantly flashing in my mind. I checked the time and realised it was almost midnight. I put my guitar away and got in my pyjamas then got into bed. I was so exhausted.

The next morning I woke up to the ringing of my alarm. I got up and got ready. I looked out my window and sighed. Full moon tonight. Full moons are the worst. I picked up my bag and left the house full of regret. I'd just have to make sure I get out of school early. I need to get home before it even starts to get dark. I sat through all my lessons deep in thought about how I was going to get home before it begins to get dark. Last period I had Science, I was pretty good at Science, so if I did my work quick enough I'd get to leave early, that's how it works here at my school. I guess that's how everything works around here in V-Ville, you've got to be smart to survive.


Okay, so what do you think? Is it all okay? Sorry its short, please leave your comments and votes :)


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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