chapter 1

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Jason's pov

"Alex lets go I'm sick of waiting here its been so long" I say irritated at the fact that it takes Alex so long to dispose of a body

"I'm coming I'm coming damn" he yells back at me with satisfaction lacing his tone

Once Alex is back we jump in the van and start our 3 hour journey back to the gang house

Buzz buzz my phone goes off beside me I know its wrong to text and drive but I've done worse I pick up my phone to see one of my many hoes texted me

Hey baby I miss you we should meet up I wanna play with Jason Jr❤👅🍆

"YO BRO LOOK THE FUCK OUT" Alex yells as I look up and swerve just in time not to hit the girl I smash the breaks

"HOLY SHIT MAN YOU ALMSOT GOT US KILLED" Alex yells at me again but before he can say another word I jump outta the car to look for the girl I see her sitting along the side of the road her knees to her chest while she sobs no long Alex is behind me looking at the same thing

I slowy walk up to her my anger diminishes when I see her with torn blood coverd clothes

"Um hey are you alright I rub my hand on my neck" nervous when she looks up at me with her big brown eyes I'm stunned

"I-i please help-p me" she says right before she passed out

"Help me pick her up" I tell Alex as he is just standing there with a blank expression on his face

"DUDE NOW" it takes me yelling for him to finally get his head on straight and help me pick her up we walk her over to the van and set her in the back

"So how are we gonna do it" ask Alex

"Do what man what the hell are you talking about?" i ask

"How are we gonna kill her"? he says in a duh tone

"Are you serious right now kill her look at her she looks like she just got outta hell we can't just kill her"

"Well the what smart plan do you have Jason please fucking enlighten me"

"Umm.. We I mean I" scratch the back if my neck nervously. "We will just take her back to the house and try to get anything we can outta her when she wakes up"

Alex rolls his eyes "that's dumb as hell but okay what ever you say" with that I make my way down the road again

Pulling up to the house me and alex pick the unknown girl up and take her into the house and he helps me take her into the guest room once she's in the room and settled we both go downstairs into the living room

"I know damn well I was hallucinating when I seen you take an unconscious girl upstairs" says cameron

"I wish I could say you were but Jason over hear decided he wanted to play hero and save the girl"

"Shut the fuck up Alex" I bark "I couldnt just leave her there did you not see the condition she was in"

"Alex leave him alone he did the right thing" says Amanda

"Whatever" Alex mutters under his breath

"Do you know anything about the girl?" ask amanda

"No were just gonna have to wait till she wakes up" I respond

"Okay well I'm going to bed the night has been to much for me" says Alex

"Same, me too" says Cameron and amanda in unison and with that I decide to go to sleep to

I walk upstairs and look into her room and see she is still sleeping I stand there and wonder "what the hell is this girl doing to me I usually would have just left"? I shake away my thought with one last glance I head to my room and collapse on the bed dreaming about the girl in the room next to me

Guyysss this is my first story I hope you enjoy and ill try to finish this one 👀😂😂

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