Decietful Union

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Okay so I just wanted to portray forced marriages in a story as they are quite frequent and popular in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries too. Soo I hope you enjoy the story :)


I sat on the cold, muddy stone steps, my feet dangling in the warm water. The wind blowing in my face, I stare at the stars glistening in the pitch black sky. I was bored to death out here, all by myself with no one to keep me company. My family sent me outside like an outcast so that they could discuss something 'important.'

I blow a strand of hair that fell over my right eye. I then feel a warm hand relax on my shoulder, I panic and stand upright. Positioning myself into fighting mood, when I realise it's only my youngest sister Rabia. I laugh at my stupidity, then immediately stop when I notice fresh tears smeared down her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked slightly panicked and worried

I watched as her lips trembled, her hands shake and tears envelop her eyes. Now she was really scaring me, I was about to ask her again. But then she flings her hands over my shoulder and sobs.

"Ohh Afa you won't believe this." Bengali for 'big sister' I remove her hands from my shoulders and push her slightly back so that she's directly in front of me.

"What won't I believe?"

I ask her, narrowing my eyes and trying to guess by reading the expression which was written all over her face. She opened her mouth and immediately shut it, like a gawping goldfish.

"It's not my place to say" she whispered. Before I could question her any further my uncle Asad comes out, calling for us. Rabia quickly wipes away the tears and takes hold of my hand. I was still trying to figure out what on earth was going on?

"Come on, it's about time you hear the truth."

She says dragging me inside our mansion, the smell of curry fills the room. As we enter the dining room, all eyes turn on me. I examine each one of them, they all held some sort of a deep, dark secret. I turn my eyes to my mother, it seemed as if she was also crying.

"TELL HER THEN!" Rabia shouted, disrupting my thoughts. I was somewhat alarmed at the loudness of her voice. As we're the other members of my family, espically my aunt Naseema.

"Lower your voice young lady! That is not the way you were brought up to speak." She replied disgusted.

I stared silently at everyone as they all flashed their fake smiles. What was going on?

Everyone seemed to be okay one minute and then awkward the next. I bite the bottom of my lips, mustering enough courage to speak.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

I watch as everyone stares at me, wanting to speak. My father then nods his head dismally and says.

"Beti, you are going to marry your cousin Abdul." Bengali for 'daughter' I stare silently at everyone as the words sink in. I stare at my family with hatred.


I shout with such venom and hatred, shielding away the tears.

"You will obey me and marry him and that is final." My father stated in a adamant tone before walking out the room.

"NO! You can't make me marry him, it's against my will." I shouted after him but he turned a blind eye.

"Where was my consent in all of this?" I asked dejectedly, falling to my knees. My aunt Naseema pulls me up and shouts.

"You do not get a say, it is up to the family to make your marriage decisions."

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!" I scream, flapping my arms around like a mad person. My sister Rabia hauls me away and whispers sorrowfully.

"You have to accept father's wishes or terrible things will happen." She then embraces me as I cry to my hearts content.

"What did I do, to deserve this?" I ask myself, trying to come up with some excuse to blame myself....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2012 ⏰

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