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Your POV

This is it I thought.
I'm finally leaving my home.

My friends. My school.
My boyfriend. My everything.

I hate this. I don't want this. Yes, I'm happy that my mom got a new and better job, but what else will benefit us in New Jersey?


I had everything. I had a boyfriend. I was popular. I had so many friends.
I even had a really close friend that I consider family.

Her name was Alaina. She was like a sister I never had. She was there for me when I was depressed, scared, and hated on.
And you may ask, "Why are you popular now, if you were hated on and bullied?"

And to answer your question,
I don't know.
Alaina always told me that people were just jealous of me. And now that I WAS dating Aiden, the most popular boy in our school. People all of a sudden started to like me.

Yes was...

He left me. Because he said a long distance relationship would be too hard. Honestly I don't blame him. But I love him. And I'm going to miss him.

I woke up with dried up tears on my cheeks. I Looked at the time, it was early in the morning. 5:10 to be exact.

I got up, walked to my closet,
and picked out a plain tee, with joggers.

I then walked in the bathroom, turned on the shower. And waited for the water to become warm.

Once the water was warm, I turned on some music. And Six feet under by Billie Eilish
Came on.

Half way through the song, I couldn't help it.

A tear slipped down my cheek, while the hot water was hitting my back, and the steam fogging the mirrors.

I cant help it. I love Aiden.

He was perfect. He loved me.

After crying my heart out. I hopped out of the shower, instantly turning off the music.

I brushed me teeth. Blow dried my hair. Applied a light amount of makeup, since I'm going to be on the plane for quit some time.
And got dressed.

I looked at the time, and noticed that it's only 6:45. Everyone still must be sleeping, and my flight is at 2:30 in the afternoon. So I decided to leave the house.

I put on a jean jacket because it's a bit cold out. And I put my shoes on.

I grabbed my phone and keys,
then headed out the door.

While walking to my car, I scrolled through Snapchat, and it showed that Aiden just posted on his story.

He must be awake. I texted him.

Me- hey:( I know we aren't together anymore, since you ended everything last night. But today's my last day here... can I stop by your house?

It's been a few minutes,
and he still hasn't responded.

I went back on Snapchat, and noticed that he once again, posted on his story.

I got in my car, debating wether I should just go to his house or not.

I mean he obviously is ignoring me.

But maybe he just deleted my contact, because he's trying to forget me.

After arguing with my head over and over again. I started my car and began driving to his house.

I mean it's my last day, and even though we are trying to forget about each other. I'll regret not seeing him at least once before I leave.

Once I got to his house, I had to park off to the side, because I noticed that there was another car in the drive way.

Maybe he got a new car for himself.

He is rich after all.

I started getting this anxious feeling while walking to his front door.

I knocked once.

No answer.

I knocked again.

No answer.

I was just about to leave, when all of a sudden. This girl in a rob, panting, with smudged lipstick and messy hair, opened the door.

I looked at her confused.

What is going on?

But then what I saw next. Shattered my heart into a million pieces.

Aiden appeared behind the girl, also panting, and all sweaty.

"Babe who's at the door?" Aiden said

But then he looked at me. His eyes widen.

"Allison?" His voice squeaked

I just looked down.
I can't believe he did this to me.

He just broke up with me yesterday.

"Why is this bitch crying" the slutty looking girl asked.

I didn't even notice that I was crying.

I just turned around and walked to my

I heard footsteps behind me. And then yelling. I ignored it and continued walking.

I wanted to talk to Alaina, but she's probably asleep. And I don't want to bother her. So I just drove home. Once I got home, I jumped on the couch, and cried myself to sleep again.

"Are you excited guys!" My mom said.
Jack(my older brother) and I look at each other than back at mom.
"Yeah" I smiled at her.
I don't want her to feel bad. This isn't her fault.
Our flight was called, so we all headed to the entrance.

I sat down next to the window, with jack next to me, and my mom on the end. I put my headphones in and just looked out the window.

This is going to be a new start, I thought.
No more Aiden. No more having to be perfect for everyone at school.

The only thing I'm really going to miss,
is Alaina..

Hey guys:)
This is my new story, I'll be posting every time I get a chance to.
Like and comment,
if you like the story so far<3
And don't worry, the twins will appear soon;)
But that's all I have for now<3.

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