My Best Friend's Roommate

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High school life is rough. Let's get that out there. Especially that first day. It's hard to believe it's been almost five years since that painful day. I had just transferred, and let me tell you, it as the worse time of my life. If you're ever going to transfer, do NOT do it on the first day of high school. Everyone is looking for people they know and are not looking to take on any more "troubling" new burdens like having a new kid freshie as their friend. So, I was invisible. Well, not to the males of course. No freshman girl was. We were all just new toys for the older boys to play with until they got bored. I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize this.

It was at lunch. That's when it all went down. I was making my way through the lunch line when there was a loud crack! from the other side of the cafeteria. Like everyone else, I turned to look at what all the commotion was. That's when I saw him. Tall, dark hair, and totally beautiful. I swear, he was a total cliche and it was a turn off. He was in the middle of a crowd of young freshmen. They were all gawking at him, and a few freshmen boys were slamming down their trays in jealousy. It was obvious he was an older boy, and that just made the girls flock to him even more. It was revolting and I was forcing the bile to stay down.

After I had gotten my lunch and had taken a seat as far away from everyone as I possibly could, I started to eat my strawberries and carrots. No way would I touch the cardboard pizza that was laying on my plate! Just looking at it made me want to be homeschooled for the rest of high school. As I continued to take slow and lonely bites of my carrots, I heard a tray slide onto my table. I glanced over to the one who put it down and saw a boy who looked remarkably like the guy who had been surrounded by freshman only a moment ago. I decided it best to avoid eye contact just in case and continued to eat my pathetic lunch.

"You aren't from here," the boy said, interrupting my eating. "I know. I have never seen you before. Besides, you are too tan."

I sent him a glare. Too tan? What was that supposed to mean?

"No one around here looks like you," he laughed. "you're too dark."

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "It is none of your business if I'm tan or too white."

A look of surprise took over his expression. "She speaks!"

"Of course I speak, you bloody moron!" I clenched my jaw.

"A Brit!" the boy threw his hands into the air. "I knew you were different."

"Shut up and leave me be." I turned my attention back to my meal.

"I'm sorry, not possible." He smiled. "I'm David. Sophomore. Lady killer."

"Don't care. Busy. Leave." I began munching on another carrot.

"You see, I think you should tell me your name." David sent me a wink. "I can make life miserable for you."

"Just talking to you is making my day worse."

"Ouch, Brit!" David clutched his heart. "I think we should be friends. You're far too feisty for me to date."

I flashed him a fake smile. "Thank god."

David started laughing. "Hurry and finish your lunch, Brit. This period is almost over."

"Okay," I sighed and picked up my last strawberry.

"By the way," David stood up. "I'll make sure the other guys don't come after you."

I couldn't help roll my eyes.


I know what you're thinking. This is the part where I fast forward and tell you guys about how we fell in love and finally got together. ERRRRR. Wrong. We became friends though, and he did save me from the worst moments of my life. Bad breakups, lonely saturdays, and no date when it came to school events. Of course, due to his "attractive appearance" I received a lot of hate from the girls who wanted him and saw me as a threat. Stupid of course, because I was no competition to any of them. They could worship him and have him any night of the week. They just had to deal with our constant gaming and our evening skype calls, when David wasn't getting into someone's pants of course.

I guess that's where this story really starts. Those skype calls. We had them every day, every year. Despite us growing up, moving out, and graduating, they seemed to continue. Even when we moved across the country and were thousands of miles apart. I could login late at night, and moments later get a call from David. They were what lifted me when I was down and helped him get more advice for picking up college chicks. Looking back, I guess it was sort of a bad thing we kept talking. If we had stopped after we had separated, I never would have seen him. I never would have heard his laugh, or seen his smile.

And I never would have fallen for my best friend's roommate.

But life doesn't work that way. We did continue to talk after high school and into college. I did see him. I did hear his laugh and see his smile.

And it was the worse thing that ever happened to me.

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